Can you travel across the province this summer?

Author:Gansu released Time:2022.06.26

Let's take a summer vacation soon,

A lot of friends want to go out and relax,

The attractions near the home have been tired of strolling,

I want to travel across provinces and worry about going to isolation.

Before the summer vacation,

Good news is here! in


The national epidemic is generally in a stable and good trend.

Multi -regulations have adjusted the inter -provincial mobile policy. in

Can you travel across provinces during the summer vacation?

Let's see how it is stipulated in various places ~


Relax personnel cross -provincial policies in many places

Since June, Zhejiang, Gansu, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Qinghai and other places have adjusted cross -provincial mobile policies.

On June 20, the video dispatch meeting of normalized transportation epidemic prevention and control work held by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Transportation required the requirements of the video dispatching of the prevention and control work of the Ministry of Transport, and resolutely canceled all restrictions on personnel of national epidemic prevention policies.

Jiangsu requires to check the passenger travel card at the exit of "two stations and one game", and let the personnel do not bring "*" personnel directly; for the "*" personnel, the health code is green code and holds 48 hours of kernel acid negative proof proof Directly release; after the nucleic acid sampling of nucleic acid is sampled without holding 48 hours of nucleic acid negatives.

Qinghai has also adjusted the epidemic prevention and control policies recently. Low -risk areas (returning) young personnel need to check 48 hours of kernel acid test negative proof, health code green code, and communication itinerary card. , No more "3 days and 2 inspections".

On June 19th, Hainan also adjusted the prevention and control measures of the return of the personnel. Before the person in the immune -related area came (returned) Qiong, he went to Qiong to check the boarding procedures with the health code and green code. Before the personnel -related areas came (back) Qiong, the nucleic acid negative certificate was changed to once within 48 hours.

Hainan is also particularly clear that the prevention and control measures for immigration personnel have been changed from "14+7" to "10+4+3", that is, a 10 -day concentration isolation, 4 heavenly home isolation observations (the implementation of the unprepared home isolation conditions), 3 days), 3 days), 3 days) Home health monitoring.

On June 17, Wenshan City, Yunnan Province issued the latest notice. Low -risk areas (returned) literary personnel will no longer check 48 -hour nucleic acid negative proof, and no nucleic acid targets are implemented. Checking Yunnan's health code, communication itinerary card and measurement body temperature, can be used normally after no abnormality.

On June 5th, the capital of the capital strictly entered Beijing Management joint control and control coordination mechanism, and the research leadership group of Beijing's new crown pneumonia's epidemic prevention and control work. Code, you can hold 7 -day kernel acid negative proof and "Beijing Health Treasure" green code.

Platform search and booking to reproduce "popular destinations"

Once the provincial tour is restored in many places, the passengers immediately acted.

According to the data of a well -known tourism platform, as of June 21, the weekly period of cross -provincial and group tour booking volume in the summer of the summer has increased by 291%; the summer inter -provincial hotel reservation has increased by 151%month -on -month; the "machine+wine" order volume has been It has increased rapidly, and the average number of orders in June has been overtaken in the same period last year.

The order volume of the summer Hotel was increased by 174%from the previous week after the recovery of the provincial tour of Qinghai officials on June 18; the number of tickets for the scenic spot increased by 100%from the previous week; the number of summer tickets increased by 252%from the previous week.

Ningxia, which was announced in an orderly manner on June 19, also ushered in the opening of the door. In the past two days, the number of products reservations for inter -provincial and group products in Ningxia Summer has doubled; summer hotel reservations have increased by 108%. The main source of customers is Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou and other places.

After Hubei announced on June 21, after the recovery of inter -provincial tourism, the search popularity of the destination in the provincial destination on the tourism platform increased doubled, and the order volume of cross -provinces and group tour products in Hubei provinces increased by 346%.

On June 19th, the Zhengyu High -speed Railway opened, and the double good news promoted the heat of the scenic spots along the Zhengyu high -speed railway in the province. During June 15-21, the number of ticket orders for the reservation of scenic spots along the railway line was previously month -on. The scenic area increased by 17%, and the Shennongjia Scenic Area increased by 24%.

Summer is also a traditional tourist season, and this year is no exception.

Data on another popular travel platform show that from June 1-15 this year, hotel reservation volume increased by more than double the month from the second half of May; in the past week, summer air ticket reservations increased by nearly tripled the previous week. Train ticket reservations increased by 70 % from the previous week, and the number of ticket reservations in scenic spots rose by nearly 60 %. On June 16th, the world's first desert railway ring line, Xinjiang Hetianzhi Ruoqian Railway, opened the operation, making Xinjiang a popular tourist destination this year.

Related data shows that "" Xinjiang Kashgar Panpamir Panorama 10 "and other train travel routes have shown. It is continuing to increase. in

It is expected that the domestic tourism market will recover this summer

Domestic flights also ushered in a small peak in June. According to Flying Standard Data, the number of domestic flights on June 19 exceeded 8,000 classes.

A tourist company's "2022 Summer Travel Consumption Forecast Report" shows that compared with the same period of 2021, it is expected that the domestic tourism market in 2022 will return to the recovery track, and the overall number of tourists will be resumed to more than 70%of the same period in 2019.

From the perspective of passenger flow dimensions, the recovery ratio of the large -scale travel market supported by rigid demand such as travel and relatives will be slightly higher than the tourism and vacation market.

Huang Senzhong, a professor at the School of Mathematics and Statistics of Nankai University, said that although the localities have gradually relaxed the cross -provincial mobile policy, the main purpose of the current cross -provincial mobile policy is still concentrated on the inter -provincial commuting and material flow.

Cheng Chaolong, chief researcher at the Tongcheng Research Institute, pointed out that the current national epidemic prevention situation has stable, which has played a significant role in the rapid recovery of the tourism market. Under the guidance of the new inter -provincial tour melting mechanism, except for a few areas with local epidemics, most of the provinces and regions and municipalities have resumed.

However, Huang Senzhong also reminded that the south is currently influenza, and large -scale personnel flow needs to be cautious.

Let me say a word,

Before travel,

Be sure to understand the destination's epidemic prevention policy in advance

Plan the travel route reasonably,

Reports in advance in accordance with the requirements of the destination prevention and control policy.

Where do you want to travel most?

Source: CCTV

Edit: Xu Minzhi Editor: Zhu Wang School Review: Wang Xuexiang

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