Xili Town: Explore the new path of "1+3+N" honest village to do a good job

Yiyuan Rong Media News: Party building leaders, rural rejuvenation, supervision as...
Shanhai Tian Liang City Street: Management is more standardized and the environment is more beautiful and more satisfied
This 'understanding paper' is really used. On July 29th, An Gaosong, secretary of the village party branch of Anjia Village, Anjia Village, Two City, Shanhai, and said with emotion after the rectifi..
The responsibility of carrying a steady reform in Xicheng District, Luohe, and a "second half" article in inspections
大河报·豫视频记者 刘广超 通讯员 王松河近日,漯河市西城区按照巡察整改实施意见要求,坚持自改、督改、助改、验改相结合,建立村居巡察整改闭环机制,狠抓巡察反馈问题整改,确保过程管理到位、责任落实到位、线索办理到位.
The consent rate is 90.96%!Guicheng, the old village reconstruction project, "collects the country" through voting!
The consent rate reaches 90.96%, Guichengzhou Table Economic Cooperative, and the ...