Can't wake up, get tired of body, have poor appetite ... Try these little tricks of removing dampness and spleen

Editor's note: TCM divides moisture into inner dampness and outer wetness. Inner wetness is mostly caused by cold foods such as preferences for cold drinks, greedy cold melon and fruits; lead to. Wh..

Bareer often causes abdominal pain.

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan client (reporter Kemei correspondent Wang Yuanyua...

[Health Hall] Broadcasting "Summer Nourishing Yin in the Summer" at 17:25

Expert Wang Le: Chief Physician, Director of the Director of the Department of Sci...

"Science" eat litchi caused "killing of the body"?A few tricks to avoid "litchi disease"

Following the China Well -off Network summer season, litchi is full of branches. Mai Wanhua took 300 lychee in the sun, and he did not say long as Lingnan. Su Shi's poem Eat Litchi not only expr

Production in 1 day, 8 days back!The first "fast" CAR-T human clinical trial results were officially released

*For medical professionals for reading referenceRacing with the Death, shorten the...

[Scientific Power] Eating lychee has caused "the disaster of killing"?A few tricks to avoid "litchi disease"

In summer, litchi is full of branches. Mai Wanhua PhotoThere are three hundred lit...