The baby's stomach and stool have these symptoms, which may be related to H. pylori!No matter how old you are

Every two people are infected with Helicobacter pylori (HP).It is even more powerf...

Affiliated to Ruijin Hospital and Renji Hospital achievements "Liu Ye Dao" and "Nature" sub -journals

Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College has always insisted on writing scient...

Infection of Helicobacter pylori, will gastric cancer?The truth is ...

Infection of Helicobacter pylori, will gastric cancer?In fact, there are many fact...

A bad habit may be recruited by the whole family, the Helicobacter pylori prevention manual will be closed soon

Recently, when Zhengzhou's 6 -year -old (pseudonym) was treated with acute asthma,...

A bad habit may be recruited by the family to recruit Helicobacter pylori prevention manuals soon

Recently, when Zhengzhou's 6 -year -old (pseudonym) was treated with acute asthma,...

alert!A family of 5 people was found to have the disease, the youngest was only 6 years old, and the doctor reminded →

Today, a topic about Helicobacter pylori rushed to the first place in the hot sear...

The principle of gastric cancer surgery lymph node cleaning

Gastric cancer is the third largest cause of death in the world, and surgery is st...

The love relay of the two doctors has achieved a life treatment that lasted April and across Shanghai and Anhui!

In April of this year, Peng Chuancao, a doctor from Anhui, voluntarily courageous ...

How to distinguish the four types of diarrhea hidden cancer signals?

SpecialistDiarrhea seems to be ordinary discomfort. It is actually a wide range...

[Health Hall] Broadcasting "How far are you from gastric cancer" at 17:25 today

Expert Wang Guiqi: Director of the Department of Hospital of Cancer Hospital of th...

Will gastric cancer infected with Helicobacter pylori?Pathological expert Wang Chunnian is a famous medical lecture hall

Helicobacter pylori is one of the most infected bacteria in the world. The risk of...

Emergency General Hospital: Magnetic Control Capsule Gastroscopy, one step to the "stomach" for medical examination

Author: Lu Yinghuang RuiGastrointestinal diseases are frequent in my country, main...