There are more than 3 billion yuan in the case!Multiple cities involved in the province's multiple elevators bidding projects

In May last year, a report letter came to Zhang Hongliang, deputy mayor of Huzhou ...

Experts from the Three -A Hospital "Group" goes to the Mianshan Community Health Service Center for free clinic

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client September 27th (correspondent Guo Yan Liu ...

[Welcome to the 20th Congress] Minle: Aiming at the target heart to continue to optimize the business environment in the field of bidding

Since the beginning of this year, Zhangye Public Resources Trading Center Minle Co...

[Epidemic Prevention Popularization Lecture Hall] Experts explained in detail why nucleic acid testing is very important?

Editor's note: Since the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, my country has adhered t...

In 2022, the national science popularization daily supercomputing home event and "National Supercomputing Jinan Central Science Expert Studio" expert appointment ceremony was held in Licheng District, Jinan City · Lightning News, September 21. Recently, the 2022 National Popular Popu...

[Health Hall] Today at 17:25, "National Love Day Special Program -Beware of Deadly Oral ulcer"

expertCai Zhigang: Deputy Dean of Peking University Stomatology HospitalLiu Hongwe...

Lintong: Experts go to the countryside to close the "one village and one product"

When the temperature is high during the day, don't water the fruit tree. The tempe...

Chengwu County: Traditional Chinese Medicine Autumn Health Conforms in conformity to nature and people

Chinese medicine believes that the unity of heaven and man, people must adapt to t...

Academician experts gathered!"Commonly discussed" Fuzhou Science and Educational Yingcheng!

It is recommended to classify and layered strengthening the cultivation of existin...

[Shandong News Network] The final · Lightning News, September 14th, the finals of the Great Power Craftsm...

Hangzhou's blood loss was 600,000 yuan without panic: I lived downstairs "Buffett"!

If it wasn't for the police to come to the door, Uncle Shen, who lived in Yuhang, ...

Experts have something to say: "Hang" Gu Hao's children is very important!

Video/Snapshot, T_100, F_JPG, M_fast Controls = Controls data-version/ueditor/video/mp4/20220914/1663123092703534.mp4 transcoding = 1 style = width: 400px; [Experts have something to s

Hua Li held the "Carbon neutral and Introduction" general courses for teaching materials for teaching materials

In order to implement the Ministry of Education's Strengthening Carbon Peak Carbon...

Dangerous ammonia -related departure headquarters invite experts to help the enterprise help and guide

In order to enhance the overall level of safety production in the high -tech zone ...

Outside the mountains and mountains, deep into the dangerous house Chengdu architectural assessment experts in the earthquake area

On the mountain road full of rolling stones, there are abyss, on the one hand, and...

Jiuquan Subei: Holding the experts of the think tank expert library appointment and the launching ceremony of "Subei Literature"

On the morning of September 8th, the first launching ceremony of the Sugi North Mo...

Three professors from the Jilin School of Architecture and Technology were hired as the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" of Jilin Province Education Sciences Higher Education Experts

Recently, the Office of the Leading Group of Jilin Provincial Education and Science Research Propaganda issued the Notice on the announcement of the Fourteenth Five -Year Plan of Jilin Provincial Ed

Quick comments 丨 Experts step on the carpet to inspect cornfields?Don't be afraid of public opinion "picky" if you don't get rid of it

Do things close to the ground ground, do not go away from reality, and take more a...

[Health Hall] "From Fire to Fire Poison" broadcast at 17:25 today

Expert Sun Linjuan: Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Brain Diseases at ...

Establish and improve the three "enhancement" Jinjiang effectively improved emergency response capabilities

In order to improve the level of safety supervision and timely resolve key difficulties, Jinjiang Emergency Administration has established and improved three enhancement through integration of socia

Agricultural Issuance Da'an City Assisting Three People Group to carry out free clinics to help rural revitalization

In order to help rural rejuvenation, avoid poor families in difficulties and retur...

29 people in Guangzhou were selected as the "National Pei Plan" expert database of the Ministry of Education

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Jiang YanOn August 31, the officia...

News link | Weihai: Gathering overseas elites help industrial development

Experts go deep into the flower industry and plant protection technical research and services throughout Guangdong

From August 24th to 27th, in order to thoroughly investigate the current status of...

Experts from epidemic prevention and control 丨 Xinjiang Disease Control expert Li Fan: The most effective means to cut off epidemic spread are static management

Video/Snapshot, T_100, F_JPG, M_fast Controls = Controls data-version/ueditor/video/mp4/20220825/1661411459328093.mp4 transcoding = 1 style = width: 400px; Production 丨 Chen XuebinProd

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