The case is called!Seamless Tianyi, weaved like this!

In ancient times, Jin was the highest level of silk fabrics. Today, Nanjing Yunjin...

Cultural Shijiazhuang 丨 The feelings of the country in the book of the martyrs' family

Martyr Gao Yunjin's father wrote to his home in 1948.The PLA soldiers bravely boar...

There are newcomers in non -heritage | Yuan Ying: Dialects sing Jinling affairs

【Open Language】General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we must strengthen t...

Focus on the 3rd version of the Expo 丨 Strong copyright province, stimulate cultural innovation and creation new vitality

On July 22, the third Jiangsu (Nanjing) Copyright Trade Fair, which kicked off at ...

I would like to commemorate this article to the Favorite Favorites Forum: "Rebirth of Textile Machinery"

Editor's note:The Fuxing Zhiyuan Collection Forum opened in 2002 has gathered a gr...

Nanjing Yunjin inheritor Jin Wen: A pair of "picking" Yunxia woven as a brocade

From the Grade of the Xiaoling Museum in Nanjing, you can see the huge logo of the...