With falsehood, urban management unplug two "cottage" road nameplate according to law

Jimu Journalist Lu ChenghanIntern Shen JiaxianCorrespondent Liu JinThe road brand ...
Zhengzhou's listing of two state -owned construction land use rights, both of which are reserved land

On August 31, the official website of the Zhengzhou Public Resources Trading Cente...
Tengzhou: Standardize the road brand setting to enhance the image of the city
(Zaozhuang Daily All -Media Reporter Wang Longfei Correspondent Liu Bin)A few days ago, Tengzhou City inspected and maintained 36 main roads, 49 secondary roads, 52 branch roads, and 1030 road brand n
The image of the road brand is more sunny for the image of the city

On June 14, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Zhuzhou Economic Development District orga...