2022 Nishan World Civilization Forum 丨 Kongfu cuisine not only delicious and beautiful, but also connotation

2022 Nishan World Civilization Forum 丨 Kongfu cuisine not only delicious and beautiful, but also connotationVideo/Snapshot, T_100, F_JPG, M_fast Controls = Controls data-version/ueditor/video/mp4/

Follow the travel conference to Jining -Qufu Confucius House

Follow the travel conference to Jining -Qufu Confucius HouseVideo/Snapshot, T_100, F_JPG, M_fast Controls = Controls data-version/ueditor/video/mp4/20220625/1656136294759263.mp4 transcoding = 1

Cultural Jining experience hospitality Shandong | Cultural Tourism Carnival 6 major themes to activate consumption

Time: From now on September.Shandong Shouzheng Jining Good Gift Cultural and Creative Tourism Commodity ExhibitionSelected high -quality hand -made goods and non -heritage projects in 16 cities in t

Meets Culture Jining experience hospitality Shandong | One Confucius dishes every day -Ruyi Chicken Roll

Video/Snapshot, T_100, F_JPG, M_fast Controls = Controls data-version/ueditor/video/mp4/20220624/165603607852682.mp4 transcoding = 1 style = width: 400px; The chickens were called Germa

Meet the cultural Jining experience hospitality Shandong | One Confucius dishes every day -gold inlaid white jade board

Video/Snapshot, T_100, F_JPG, M_fast Controls = Controls data-version/ueditor/video/mp4/20220622/1655862871171335.mp4 transcoding = 1 style = width: 400px; Legend has it that Qianlong