"Million Army" counterattack?Urgent clarification

According to reports on the 15th local time of Ukrainian UNIAH News Agency, Ukrain...
"Million Army" counterattack?Urgent clarification
According to reports on the 15th local time of Ukrainian UNIAH News Agency, Ukraine Minister of Defense Leznikov explained in an interview that he had not previously stated that he would attack the so
Russian Presidential Press Secretary confirmed that Putin has been invited to participate in the G20 summit
Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov confirmed on June 30, local time that Russian President Putin has been invited to participate in the Gutan Group Summit held in Bali, Indonesia this year. P
Will the two captured mercenaries be sentenced to death?Russian response
Overseas Network, June 21. According to the national radio company, on the 20th of local time, in an interview with the media, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov was asked if two American mer
Assistant to Russian President: Putin does not have a plan to meet with Biden
On June 14, local time, Russian Presidential Assistant Ushakov notified the event schedule of Russian President Putin in the future, including participating in the BRICS leader summit and the summit o