"The Ukrainian Army has broken through the border area of Ukraine"

According to the latest news from the Associated Press and other foreign media, th...
"The Ukrainian Army has broken through the border area of Ukraine"
According to the latest news from the Associated Press and other foreign media, the Ukrainian army still maintained a counterattack in the latest military operations and re -controlled many towns in t
Senior Russian Intelligence Officer: A series of "Color Revolution" of the Middle East and Africa is the United States

According to Russia New News Agency on the 16th, the Director of the General Admin...
Latest developments: Russian Foreign Minister said that the Western may "have nothing to talk about" Ukraine said that he has mobilized more than one million troops
Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 9th. Comprehensive reporters from Xinhua News Agency reported that Russian Foreign Minister Raferov said on the 8th that Russia may have nothing to talk about. Ukra
"Putin doesn't congratulate this year"

Peskov: This year's United States Independence Day, Putin will not congratulate Bi...
"Putin doesn't congratulate this year"

Peskov: This year's United States Independence Day, Putin will not congratulate Bi...
first!Two American veterans were captured, and Russia said that they did not rule out the death penalty

On the 20th local time, Russian President Putin spokesman Peskov said in an exclus...