Remote villages transform into "travel punching fields"

The corner of the B B town of Isahara, the car market. Ma Mei PhotoIn the memory,...

Nie Xiangrong, a "civil servant who is satisfied with the people" in the country: the people of the people are the people of the people and the leaders of the people

Nie Xiangrong is at work.In April 2021, Nie Xiangrong, who fought in the first -ti...

Korla Halayu Palace Township: Taking tea as a media to discuss civil affairs points redemption aggregation, point of concentration, convergence of concentration

Opening the countryside Bazaar, I am the first to support! On the evening of July ...

[The rejuvenation of a strong country has me] "Green Horse" enters the countryside to condense the forge of power

Children, open your shoulders when you swing your arms, look up and hold your ches...

Summer "gas stations" in the summer of rural small classrooms

Children, it's class! The voice of Zulimei Berchiti, the music teacher of Halayu P...

Lake Hara, a young uninhabited area in Qilian Mountain

From the heavens to the King of Gesar from the heavens to the leader of the Tibeta...