Ji Wei · Medicine said it just to understand | What should I do if foreign body card throat?Learn this trick to help
Not long ago, the enthusiastic citizen Ms. Su helped a young child who was stuck in a foreign body to get out of danger because she used Heimlik's first aid method to gain a large number of netizens l
Almost died in a piece of beef!The girl in Hangzhou cried!After escaping in the dead, she said: I must remind everyone ...

At more than 8 pm on September 5th, the young Xiao Jiang was sitting on the bed, a...
Why don't you recommend it when your throat is choked?

Science Fiction Network August 4th (Liu Yazhu) Children or people eat food when ea...
Will monkeys use the "Hamrich Emergency"?Indian officials sent a video to be stunned everyone

Jimu Journalist Song QingyingIntern Yang XingnanThe little monkey was stuck, and t...