Ambassador Zhang Jun's speech at the Palestinian issue in the Security Council

On August 8th, the Chinese Permanent Representative of the United Nations, Ambassa...

Fire fire in Papua, local residents celebrated all night; southern Israel rang alert again; Turkish Foreign Minister and Politic Political Bureau of Palestine and Politburo in Palestine talked to the phone

On the evening of the 7th local time, the Islamic Battle Organization (Jehard) ann...

Pakistanioscope ceasefire prospects are unknown

Since the afternoon of August 5, the Israeli National Defense Force has continued ...

The Israeli Army continued to attack the Garga Strip, Palestine: Has been injured by more than 200 deaths

Polar news reporter Manda Hu XiuwenAccording to the US Cable TV News on August 6, ...

The Israeli air strikes of the Gaza Strip ’s targets caused at least 10 people to die

Xinhua News Agency, Gaza, August 5th (Reporter Liu Weijian) The Israeli National Defense Forces fighter aircraft on the 5th to launch air strikes on multiple targets of the Palestinian Gaza Strip. The

Rescue children's report: Long -term blockade seriously affects the mental health of Gaza children

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] A latest report released by the Save The Children shows that 80%of children in Gaza Strip have negative emotions due to Israel's 15 -year blockade in the region, an