Sichuan dialect | Xu Yu: morning and evening are Enyang River
Text/Xu YuWhen I was a child, my parents would arrange some living paths for our children.见我们一副懒洋洋的样子,他们会大声地对我们吆喝道:“不怕你们磨洋工(偷懒),早晚都是恩阳河。”意思是,眼前这活路已经完全交
Zhou Libo: Talking about dialect issues

After reading the article of Xing Gongxuan and Mr. Liu Zuoyu, I also wanted to com...
Sichuan dialect | Xia Mengyu: "Barrel" and "Signing"
Text/Xia MengyuIn Sichuan dialects, some older people will refer to people who have issued orders in the team as barrels or signing. For example: The legal representative of our company is Wang Q
Sichuan dialect | Snow Lang: Sanwa "pretend to be a sister -in -law"
Text/XuelangSanwa ranked third, and when his sister should let the household, he ordered a family of thirty miles and outside. On the day my sister got married, the family made Sanwa pretend to be a
Sichuan dialect | Wang Shaocheng: "Bamboo" in dialects
Text/Wang ShaochengMany words related to bamboo in the dialects of Sichuan:A piece of sliced. Commonly used as a comparison person or material excellence/time, high one -sided film, which means that
Sichuan dialect | Luo Xiaoyu: stacked dialect
Text/Luo XiaoyuWhen I was young, I had to ride a half -hour bicycle to go to school. Riding a bicycle in rural trails is extremely comfortable. But as soon as it was winter, the wind was cold, and whe