Yinshan Town, Dongping County: Land Circulation of Beach District Round Rural Revitalization Song

Author:Dongping County Rong Media Cen Time:2022.07.18

Recently, Yangzhuang Village, Yinshan Town, Dongping County ushered in the first quarter dividend of the land transfer. The villagers took the land transfer contract and watched the dividend funds from the bank card to the accounts.

It is understood that Yangzhuang Village was close to the Yellow River, with 1389 people in the village, 1500 acres of cultivated land, low income, backward development, weak economic foundation, village collective income, and difficulty in getting rich. After the two village committees were re -elected last year, Guo Qing, secretary of the village branch, led the members of the team to visit public opinion and tried to improve the collective income of the village. After actively fighting, reporting more and diligent communication, with the strong support of the town government, it has determined the way to host land custody. On August 18 last year, Yangzhuang Village established a party organization to lead the cooperative to cooperate with the Provincial Federation to sign a contract to custody, replace farming, and obtain benefits.

If you say it, do it, and do it! In order to obtain the support of the masses, to win the number of land transfer acres in a larger scale, and solve their worries, Guo Qing led the members of the team to go deep into the masses and fields. Representatives discuss solutions. Eat and live in the office of the village committee, go to the abroad during the day, and work with the masses at night to do work. Finally, it was finally supported by the villagers on September 11 last year. It was formally signed with the supply group, and the land custody was 1,200 acres. Now that more than half a year has passed, Yangzhuang Village welcomes the first quarter dividends, and has eaten peace of mind for the masses.

"The masses support us, trust us, and give us the land, we have to rest assured." Guo Qing introduced that the land in the village is now uniformly planted. Ji corn has been fully sowed and has a good growth. In order to better guarantee the high yield and harvest, four grid areas are divided into the village, equipped with grid staff, regular patrols, always paying attention to the long -term situation of crops, and contacting the provincial supply and marketing cooperatives in a timely manner to be uniformly managed by the supply and marketing cooperatives to provide agricultural resources directly to the supply and marketing cooperatives. Do a good job of measurement of soil testing and fertilizer, diseases and insect pest control, use technologies such as drones to sprinkle insects and prevent insects, scientific management, effort and effort, and directly break the villagers' low -income problems facing the back of the loess.

In the next step, Yinshan Town will use Yangzhuang Village to lead cooperatives, sign contracts for land custody, and crack low -income difficulties as typical pilots. Combined with the actual situation of various villages, based on the advantages of land resources in the Yellow River beach area, grab the ecological protection and high -quality development of the Yellow River Basin Strategic opportunities, promote the implementation of the entire town, and strive to complete 10,000 acres of land transfer during the year. Focusing on facilities agriculture, good breed cultivation, and cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials, pilot planting roses, party ginseng and other crops, and concentrated films to create an area of ​​5,000 acres of land 5,000 acres. The green and high -efficiency agricultural industrial park in the Yellow River beach area has promoted the continuous upgrading of the agricultural industry structure and is committed to the wealth of the masses. (Correspondent: Lu Chunlei Liu Wenjing)

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