Liu Dian: How can China highlight the global digital economy game?丨 丨 东西 东西

Author:China News Weekly Time:2022.07.18

Promote development and re -become

The main theme of China's digital economic policy system

Make the digital economy a stable growth in China

And the "good recipe" of enhancing international competitiveness

Author: Liu Dian Fudan University China Research Institute special associate researcher, experts of the Digital Belt and Road Research Center

Number of full text: 2131

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

The digital economy has become a strategic high point for global competition, and countries are accelerating the pace of development of the digital economy. The development of China's digital economy is currently facing pressure from two aspects of international and domestic aspects.

From an international perspective, the global competition of the digital economy is entering the fierce stage. Countries around the world, especially major economies, have introduced medium and long -term digital development strategies, accelerated the development of the digital economy, built a digital -driven economic system, and strive to win the initiative of future development and international competition. At the same time, the strategic role of science and technology giants has gradually appeared, and even has the geopolitical influence of the development of political and economic trends. Therefore, all countries are competing for the future of the global digital economy market and global governance.

From a domestic perspective, China's digital economy development also faces multiple challenges. On the one hand, China's digital industry is experiencing a period of technology evolution and transformation from web2.0 to Web3.0. Many key technical bottlenecks need to accumulate and break through. Increasing the special moments of phase superimposed, problems such as shrinking, supply impact, and weakening of demand in the economic environment are more prominent.

In October 2020, the 3rd Digital China Construction Summit opened in Fuzhou. The picture shows the interior scene of the main venue. Photo by Zhang Bin, a reporter from China News Agency

How to deal with multiple challenges from home and abroad, exploring a path for digital economy that is most suitable for China is currently an imminent real issue.

Games are becoming increasingly fierce

Due to the different stages of the digital economy development of the three major digital economies in China and the United States and Europe, the use of regulatory goals is different, and the use of the national-market joint efforts is also different. This has also had a significant impact on the current situation of the game. The three -way game between China and the United States and Europe is mainly centered on the United States, forming the two battlefields of the United States, Europe, and China and the United States. Due to the different foundation of the digital economy between the United States and Europe, different governance systems and development directions have been formed, which has generated fierce disputes. The digital economic dispute between China and the United States is an extension of the competition between China and the United States. The United States tries to suppress China ’s development in the new field and maintain its own digital hegemony.

Between the United States and Europe, the United States strongly promoted the global expansion of science and technology giants, and fiercely collided with the awakening of European digital sovereignty awareness. The United States hopes to implement the free flow of cross -border data and relax the network border restrictions in the small circle that it has created, give full play to its advantages in its digital economy, and help the US technology giant expand rapidly in the global market. The U.S. technology giants, which have obtained data monopoly in the global market, harvested global data dividends while winning the initiative for the US government in digital geopolitical competition.

The EU not only does not have the first advantage of the United States in the digital economy, but also does not help the European Union to better participate in the global data market competition in technology giants like Facebook and Alibaba, which has led to insufficient competitiveness in the EU's digital economy market. The risk of monopoly by the giant. Therefore, the European Union prevents the "one family" of American technology giants through antitrust laws and taxes, and protects the rights of small and medium -sized enterprises and users. Based on rules, it adheres to a fair data governance system and emphasizes data sovereignty and independence.

In May 2018, the Facebook booth at the 2018 China International Big Data Industry Expo. Photo by He Junyi, a reporter from China News Agency

Between China and the United States, the United States suppresses Chinese digital industry and technology giants through various methods such as domestic law, administrative orders, and small circles. In the past few years, the United States has included many Chinese companies in the entity list under the name of protecting the "information and communication technology supply chain" for suppression and sanctions, such as ZTE, Huawei, etc., and restricting the development of Chinese digital economy enterprises with long -arm jurisdictions. In 2020, the Trump administration issued administrative orders on Douyin and WeChat to prohibit US companies from conducting transactions with the parent company of Douyin or WeChat, and plans to block these two softwares in the US app store. In terms of technology exports, the United States has also been continuously enhanced its export control efforts and restricting China's investment in the United States.

In September 2020, at a exhibition held in Fuzhou, the Douyin live room set up by the organizer. Photo by Zhang Bin, a reporter from China News Agency

At the same time, the United States hopes to form a digital economy encirclement in China by forming a small circle. Western technology alliances led by the United States exaggerate China's security threat and intercepted China. For example, the United States and Europe have established the "Trade and Technical Committee" to carry out investment review, restrict technology exports, and implement the supply chain "de -Sinicization". In order to comprehensively block China, the United States is also continuously promoted the formulation of digital technology -related rules through the Indo -Pacific Digital Alliance to shape and lead the regional digital order.

Between China and the European Europe, the disputes and willingness of cooperation between the two sides in the digital economy coexist. Although Europe has precautions to China's growing digital strength, the European Union's internal opinions are inconsistent with resistance to China, and China and Europe are highly complementary in many aspects such as scientific and technological talent reserves, innovation capabilities, and digital industries. Essence

How does China respond

The impact of digital games between China and the United States and Europe is increasing, especially the United States' suppression of China is also endless. China should find its own way out from the competition and cooperation between the United States and Europe as soon as possible to break through the technical bottleneck and play the advantages of the system. Open up a wider international market. Therefore, in the face of the domestic and foreign pressures of the development of the digital economy, the promotion of development has become the main theme of China's digital economy policy system, making the digital economy a "good recipe" for China's stable growth and enhancing international competitiveness. On May 17, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held in Beijing to hold a special consultation meeting of "Promote the Sustainable and Healthy Development of the Digital Economy" to release important signals to many favorable policies.

In September 2021, the 2021 China International Digital Economy Expo, with the theme of "Innovation and Development and Digital Economy", opened in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. Photo by Zhai Yujia, a reporter from China News Agency

In response to global challenges and strategic competition risks, first of all, in the context of the global development initiative and global security initiative, China should conduct in -depth discussions with other countries and expand international cooperation in the digital field. Second, the differences between control and the EU continue to deepen digital governance cooperation. Third, broaden the cooperation with developing countries, relying on the establishment of platforms such as the “Belt and Road” and RCEP (the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement”) to promote the development level of the digital markets of relevant countries.

The key to resolving domestic pressure on the development of the digital economy is to liberate and develop data productivity. First of all, we must improve the digital economic policy system, make overall development and security, promote major transformations of the top-level design principles at the top level of legislation and policy levels, build mutual trust in government and enterprises, effectively exert the government-market joint efforts, and jointly build new digital platforms. Second, optimize the advantages of data resources, accelerate the cultivation of data factor markets, and improve market operations. Third, the real economy and the digital economy are deeply integrated, the new technologies will be comprehensive and full -chain digital transformation of traditional industries, and the transformation and upgrading of various industrial structure will be accelerated. Fourth, the market access and opening up in the digital field in an orderly expansion, support the innovation of the free trade zone (Hong Kong) system, adhere to the development of innovation -driven development, increase investment in cutting -edge technology research and development, cultivate and attract domestic and foreign high -end talents at home and abroad Essence

Introduction to the interviewee:

Liu Dian, a special associate researcher at the China Institute of Fudan University, director of the public institute of Guanzhi Media. He used to work at the Chongyang Financial Research Institute of Renmin University of China. The main research areas include digital economic governance, digital currency, network and data governance, international political economics, etc. Published more than ten research papers in core journals such as "China Finance", "Culture and Culture", "Academic Forum", and dozens of paper media such as "Guangming Daily", "Economic Daily", "PLA" and "Learning Times" published nearly 100 comments article.

Text Editor: Xu Crown

Image editor: Zhang Xinglong

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