Director NASA said "China wants to occupy the moon", and well -known space scholars issued a post: Standing in the statement can not stand

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.18

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] Nielsen, director of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), recently stated in an interview with Germany's "Photo" that the absurdity of "China wants to occupy the moon" has been ridiculed by all walks of life. The American "Space" website said on the 16th that the signature article published by the two well -known international space scholars showed that Nielsen could not stand on the "China wants to occupy the moon".

It is reported that Lincoln Heins and Switra Ben Izak are scholars who specialize in the space safety and Chinese aerospace programs. They believe that whether it is China or any other country "is unlikely to take over in the near future to take over in the near future to take over in the near future. Moon". "This is not only because this moves to violate international law, but also in terms of technology and expenses. The cost of this attempt will be very high, and the potential returns will be uncertain."

Two international space scholars said that first of all, China cannot take over the moon because it violates the current international spatial law. In 1967, the "Outer Space Treaty" signed by and signed by more than 100 countries, including China, clearly stipulates that "the use or occupation of sovereignty requirements, use or occupy, and any other measures to put the outer space (including the moon and other other spaces and others Celestials are based. "The report said," If China announces the occupation of the moon, it will bear huge pressure from the international public opinion field. "

Secondly, the surface area of ​​the moon is about 38 million square kilometers, which is almost 5 times that of Australian land area. Considering the huge cost of current transporters and materials to the moon, "the so -called occupation of the moon for the moon is temporary and local."

It is reported that in recent years, China has made significant progress in the aerospace field and increased its investment in space: China ’s space launch in 2021 has 55 times, exceeding 51 times in the United States; China is close to the construction of the Tiangong Space Station. However, there is still a significant gap between China and the United States in deep space detection and manned moon landing. As far as the current technology is concerned, the "boat ticket" to the moon is very expensive, and the cost of wanting to "occupy the moon" is even more astronomical. The report specifically mentioned that "China's space budget is about $ 13 billion, only half of NASA."

However, the report speculated that "China can try to control a specific moon area with strategic value, such as a lunar meteorcut pit with higher water and ice reserves." "Ice on the moon is important because it means that humans do not need to spend expensive costs from the earth. Ice can also be used as an important source of oxygen and hydrogen, which is an important part of rocket fuel. Ice is crucial to ensuring the long -term sustainability and survivability of any lunar or other tasks. "Some analysts believe that the US media's speculation about" China may control the moon's water resources "has exposed the United States for" taking over the moon ". I have planned. (Ma Jun)

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