The protection tradition of ancient Chinese emperor's tomb

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.07.18

【Reading History Notes】

The Qing Dynasty scholar Zhu Kongyang's "Preparation of the Tombs of the Dynasties" described the general orientation of more than 300 emperors since the legendary era. In addition to the symbolic "Three Emperors and Five Emperors Mausoleum", the earliest mausoleum currently confirmed by archeological confirmation is the tomb of Yinxu in Anyang, Henan. Since the Qin and Han dynasties are enriched with the literature records, the information of the mausoleum is more clear. The tomb of the emperor is the precious cultural heritage of our country, which concentrates the political demands, etiquette systems, social ideas, and religious beliefs of the dynasties of the dynasties. It is also one of the important symbols of the existence of the ancient Chinese dynasty. Maintenance is an important part of national etiquette. The protection of the emperor's tombs is an inherent cultural tradition in ancient China.

The protection activity of the ancient dynasty on the Emperor's Mausoleum

In the twelve years of Han Gao's ancestors, Xia Yan worshiped the emperors such as Qin Shihuang, King Chu Yin, King Wei Anli, King Qi Yan, and King Zhao Mourning. In the ten, Zhao and Wei Gongzi died of five families, making it look at its mounds "(" Hanshu · Gao Di "), which opened the protection tradition of the first generation of emperor's tombs.

During the Cao Wei period, Emperor Wei Ming stipulated that "Gao Zu and Guangwu Ling must not make the people's cultivation and shepherds" ("Three Kingdoms · Wei Shu · Ming Emperor Ji"), and established the main measures for the maintenance of the ancestors of the Emperor's Mausoleum. With the southward movement of the Sima's regime, the northern minorities have gradually integrated into the family of the Chinese nation, while many cultural traditions of Han and Jin dynasties have been absorbed. While the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Xiaowen, resumed the worship system, followed the maintenance of the Han, Wei, and Jin Zhuling to follow the approach of Emperor Cao Weiming, and sacrificed the three emperors of Han Guangwu, Ming and Ming and Zhangdi. After the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, in view of the situation of "the calendar is pushing, the life is permanent, the hills are destroyed, the shepherds are trending, the Zhao Zhao Wu Wu, and the tree is not distinguished." Ten households, the miscellaneous service, for insight "(" Sui Shu · Emperor Ji "). During Tang Wude's to Zhenguan, the state was worshiped from Emperor Emperor, Mo, to the Han Gaozu Temple, and further specificization of the sacrifice objects. During the Kaiyuan period, the sacrifice and repair activities of the emperor's tomb as an important part of the national auspicious ceremony. (Prison "(" Book of Yuan Gui Turtle Emperor's Ministry · Chong Chong Sacrifice ").

After the establishment of the Northern Song Dynasty in the Northern Song Dynasty, the first year of Jianlong, the first year of Jianlong, "The former emperor's mausoleum, the loyal minister, the wise man, the wise, or the storm, the county should be settled by the county, and the destroyer can be repaired." "Song History · Li Zhi"), and the previous generations of wise emperors were divided into four levels according to their historical achievements, and they were equipped with different maintenance and sacrifice specifications. Kaibao went down again in three years, and to the tombs of 27 stolen stolen Zhou Wenwang and other 27 stolen. Ancestral Ji). The Ming Dynasty followed the tradition of the Northern Song Dynasty. In three years of Hongwu, he "sent the envoy to the first generation of the mausoleum". In the end; the temple is stunned, and there are no temples to set up altars to sacrifice; they still make the division ban, sacrifice when they are in the age of age, and use too prison "(" History of History · Li Zhi "). In the eighth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, the "Ding Emperor's Mausoleum Sleeping Ceremony", "Each of the Temple on the spot, or building the altar due to the tomb, but the Yuan Tombs worship" ("Draft of Qing History · Li Zhi").

The maintenance and worship of the later generations have formed a multi -ectopic relics in the same as the mausoleum body. In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the "Liu Xiu Tomb" was built on the banks of the Mengjin Yellow River. It was preserved to this day. "Spillment effect" (Korean River: "Cultural Determination and Value Stance: Archaeological Attitude to Historical Literature", "Guangming Daily" June 25, 2018, 14th edition), but confirmed that Song Taizu ordered that he had "Xiu Xun", "To the Said", "To the Sales" Historical facts of sacrifice ". The new Zhengzong of Xinzong, Henan, was found to be the base of the "Ling Temple" built in the early 500 meters southeast of the Song Dynasty. (Sacrifice) Credit "Stele. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Bi Yuan died of Shaanxi to "four to the amount of materials, first seal the domain, settling stone" to the emperor's mausoleum in the country, and "set up their own food" to the guardians of the tomb. Almost all the imperial tombs of Guanzhong can be seen in the monument established by Bi Yuan.

The cause of the protection of the Emperor's Mausoleum in the ancient dynasty

The protection of the first generation of Emperor's Mausoleum in the ancient dynasty mainly had the following causes:

Avoiding being excavated by later generations is the most direct reason. Emperor Wei Wen Cao Yu witnessed the chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty, and believed that "since ancient times, there are no countries that do not die, and there are no tombs of digging. Since the mourning, the Han Zhues have been discovered. After all, it is not painful. " Later, he did not seal the tree and implemented a thin burial in order to "settle the relatives of An Jun and make the soul uninterrupted" ("Three Kingdoms · Wei Shu · Wen Di Ji"). During the Five Dynasties, Wen Tao was "Jiedu for Yaozhou, and Tang Zhuling was found in the border to take the golden treasures of the Tibetan". twenty five"). Mr. Wang Jin believes that although the propaganda significance of policies such as "Shouling" and "Shouzu" exceeds the actual effect, it can still play a certain role in the protection of the mausoleum.

The concentration reflects the political thoughts of the ancient Chinese dynasty "prosperity". "The Analects of Confucius · Yao Yao" contains: "The country is destroyed, followed by the peerless, the people of the people, and the people of the world return to their hearts." Continuously cutting off the dynasty's clan is an important part of the traditional ideas and humanitarian traditions. The founding monarchs of the past generations regarded the repair and sacrifice of the mausoleum as an important measure to stabilize the people's hearts. During the Chu and Han Dynasty, Liu Bang listed "digging the emperor mound" as one of Xiang Yu's top ten crimes. After sending the messenger to the ancestor of the Etherium Temple "; after Zhao Kuangyin's Chen Qiao soldiers changed," the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty was the king of Zheng, and the Zhou Chao Song, Qing Erling, and the six temples should be worshiped by the officers of the time. Yong Weizhi "(" Song History · Li Zhi "); Shunzhi Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty," Buried Emperor Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, afterwards, Fuxing Ming Twelve Tombs worship, banned the pastoral, giving the land acres, the Si Xiang official and the Linghu. At the age of sacrifice, the household department set up "(" Draft of the Qing Dynasty · Li Zhi "). The Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty went to Jiangnan many times, and worshiped the Ming and filial piety. The political appeal of the Han family. Fully reflect the respect of the history of the wise monarchs of the past. Each dynasty has strong targeted targets for the worship of the Emperor's Mausoleum, and does not include all emperor's tombs. "Book of Rites · Ceremony" cloud: "The sacrifice of the husband and saint king also sacrifice, the law will be sacrificed by the people, and the death is worshiped. The worship is worshiped. "The Tang Dynasty Sun Wuji, Xu Jingzong and others negotiated the ceremony of worshiping the emperors. The Hanzu code, the Fa drew in the back. " Song Taizu was divided into four specifications of the sacrifices of the emperors of the past, and it was also based on the consideration of its historical achievements. Ming Taizu's choice of sacrifice objects first "ordered the provinces to have pictures to advance, all seventy are nine", and then "Ritual officer exams his meritorious author ... Every thirty is six."

Maintain the orthodox nature of its own dynasty. The "orthodox dispute" of the Northern and Southern Dynasties runs through. The purpose of the Emperor Qi Ming of the South Qi Ming contains the meaning of the orthodox. And Matsmen Yiyi, Ji Lu Junwu. Although the age is different, it is to care for things. Another prominent example was the maintenance and sacrifice of the Golden Emperor's Mausoleum many times in the Qing Dynasty. Due to the disadvantages of the war, the "Golden Dynasty's Mausoleum was in Fangshan" during the beginning of the year, and "suspected to be related to the king of the Qing Dynasty." "The technique of nickname". After entering the customs, the emperor Shunzhi believed that "the husband does not reach the destiny, and the minus committees are in Feng Shui and moved to the forest. So "sacrifice the monument and be immortal" ("Record of the Qing Dynasty"). Since then, the Qing Emperor has repeatedly aimed to repair and worship Jinling, showing his respect and identity with the Jin Dynasty, which also contains the meaning of the legitimacy and orthodox nature of the Central Plains.

Revelation of the ancient emperor's tomb protection tradition

From the perspective of the development of the entire Chinese civilization, the protection and sacrifice of the emperor's tomb of the past dynasties not only played a role in maintaining the stability of the regime, but also the inheritance and promotion of cultural traditions. China has been a multi -ethnic country since ancient times. The evolution of civilization is based on mutual reference and recognition of various ethnic groups (ethnic groups). Although the construction concept of Emperor Mausoleum has shown a trend of continuous innovation, the core connotation is inheritance and reference. On the one hand, the "Han Chengqin system" and "Tang Cheng Sui system, considering Han Wei" reflected in the Central Plains dynasty, on the other hand The formation of the awareness of the "Huaxia" or "China" consciousness of the ethnic minority regime, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty "moved to the people of Luo, killed Henan, must not return to the north." The Garden House ("Biography of the Queen of the Wei"), the funeral ceremonies are referred to the Chinese etiquette; The activities of sacrificing the emperor's mausoleum in the past dynasties are a kind of recognition of the former dynasties as "orthodox". At the same time, it is also the spiritual characteristics of Chinese civilization "talking about love, emphasis on the people, keeping integrity, respecting justice, Shanghe, and seeking Datong" spiritual characteristics. " One embodiment.

With the demise of the ancient imperial system, the sacrifice of the ancient emperor showed a new connotation of the era. On February 12, 1912, the Qing Emperor's abdication, the North -South discussion, and success. On the 15th, Mr. Sun Yat -sen led the Minister of the Republic of China and the minister of the government to worship the filial piety to the school, expressing the respect of the Ming Taizu's "reconstruction of river mountains and reunification". It also comforts the revolutionary spirit and calls on the people of the country to unite and build China together. In 1937, when the Chinese nation died in crisis, the KMT and the Communist Party worshiped the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum in the Qingming Festival. Comrade Mao Zedong personally wrote a sacrifice to call for the establishment of a united front and fighting against Japan together. Beginning in 1992, the annual worship ceremony held by Henan Xinzheng Huangdi and Shaanxi Yellow Emperor Mausoleum is an important manifestation of the descendants of Yanhuang in the world on Chinese culture. Mr. Liu Qingzhu believes that sacrifice Huangdi is a embodiment of the national and national identity and has a positive role in increasing national condensation.

The ancient emperor's tomb was not only a historical and cultural heritage, but also one of the symbols of cultural traditions and national spirit in a sense. We must not only implement scientific protection measures for the Emperor's body, but also pay attention to the protection of the ancient emperor's tomb.And reasonable use of Emperor Mausoleum and its cultural value.When Volkswagen enters the cemetery of the generations, in addition to feeling the magnificence of the ancient emperor and the exquisite appreciation of Shinto stone carvings, you can also understand the historical and culture behind him, such as the heroicity of Emperor Hanwu's development and connecting the Western Regions; Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty implementedSinicization and national integration of the special achievements; Tang Taizong Wenwen's martial arts and the semantic scenery of the seas;On the basis of revealing the appearance of the emperor and interpreting its rich connotation, fully explain its historical value, implement targeted protection measures, and spread accurate and historical knowledge with contemporary social significance.Chinese civilization.(Author: Zhu Jin, an associate professor of the Historical and Cultural Heritage Research Center of Zhengzhou University)

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