Shanghai Jiaotong University reads blog.

Author:Scientific network Time:2022.07.17

Text | "China Science News" reporter Zhang Qingdan

Father suffered from rectal cancer and metastatic cancer. The mother had poor recovery after surgery and lost labor. There are three girls in the family. The youngest sister suffers from congenital heart disease and leaves the world unfortunately.

Each one is enough to defeat the pain of a family, but it occurs in a family.

Li Lin lived in this fate family, and she studied hard while supporting her family. Once, the only purpose of her reading was to get rid of poverty and change her destiny; now, she has an interest in scientific research, has ideals and ambitions, and wants to live for her ideals.

After graduating from Jilin University undergraduate, she has now been sent to Shanghai Jiaotong University and directly studying for a doctorate degree. Although her fate is not given, she always exudes warmth and toughness. In the face of the interview with the Chinese Journal of Science, she tells her story and wants people who are in adversity to regain the power of moving forward.

Li Lin interviewee confessed

The following is Li Lin's self -report:

How to define poverty for learning

I was born in a remote countryside in Liyang County, Jiangsu Province, and the economy is very backward.

When I was a kid, my memories were related to school. Six years in elementary school, I changed 4 schools. I didn't feel anything at that time, but now I think about it but feel a little sad.

In the second grade, the primary school in the village was closed and merged, and everyone was sent to a private primary school in the town. Going to school in the town is not only expensive, but also far from home.

But my family was very poor, and the impression was the dim light and the wall of the soil, the worn clothes and the hard -working figure. The family cannot bear the cost of going to school with my sister.

If you can't afford the tuition, the school will not sit on the stool, and you have to stand in class. For a young child, how sacred and important is the award. At that time, I had a "definition" of the word poverty -poverty is a kind of mistake, and poverty children are not worthy of the award.

After studying in the town for half a year, I was forced to transfer to the nearby village primary school due to tuition fees and continue to study in the third grade. Fortunately, I encountered a kind teacher and classmates here not only taught me the knowledge in textbooks, but also made me understand that hard work can have good results, to be affirmed and respected, which has nothing to do with poverty.

However, the good times did not last long. In the fifth grade, the village elementary school was once again closed. I transferred to a public elementary school in the town. Because of the excellent grades, the writing is neat, and the teachers like me very much. When recruiting students in the county middle school, they introduced me to the best junior high school in the county.

So I knew that studying hard can win opportunities and preferences for myself, and these have nothing to do with poverty.

Parents are simple farmers, and there is no culture, but they are unusual insistence on the matter of reading with my sister.

When others say, "What do girls read so many books and recognize two words?" They still insisted on letting us go to school. This attachment has never given up even in those years without the years.

Even though I stumbled all the way, I finally went to college. These lacks are indispensable for parents' persistence, goodwill and help of all kind people, and the funding of the state government.

Strive to give your family a better life

When I first went to college, I would also be very envious of classmates who were good in my family. They could buy things and never look at the price. They could come and talk about traveling once, or they could have a very bright future without continuing to work hard.

But I can't. I know that I still carry the expectations of many people, including myself.

I want to sigh, so I dare not relax. What I think is how to get rid of poverty and give my parents a better life, so that those who look down on our family dare not pointers behind.

Only study and desperately learn. In each course, whether it is elective or compulsory, I treat it seriously, and even "go into the demon".

I remember that at that time, because the epidemic was on the Internet at home, I was worried that the effect could not be compared with the classroom lectures, so I repeatedly read and take all the online classes that could be played back, and I did not stop on the train back to school.

Heavenly rewards will not be disappointed at any effort. My grades for three consecutive years are professional first. These have brought me not only scholarships and honorary certificates, but also opportunities and confidence.

The burden at home has always been heavy. Although I have national funding and scholarships, my sister's tuition and parents' medical expenses are still a big problem.

As the boss at home, I must choose the beam.

In addition to studying, I used the spare time to make part -time jobs to make money to make up for the home, sending leaflets, workers, serving as waiters and tutors, and so on.

I do n’t worry about hard work, and I am not afraid of hardships. I have also seen my life in all kinds of part -time jobs, and I draw strength from the stories of others.

Choose scientific research: become a good seed

In the freshman summer vacation, the college's teacher who made soybean breeding students recruited students to help Datian test. I took the initiative to name, and the task to be completed is to write the corresponding variety names and numbers for each soybean.

That time, the teacher shared the knowledge and significance of scientific research with us, which made me interested in scientific research.

Since then, I have slowly contacted scientific research, responsible for and participated in a number of scientific research projects. Among them, including the National University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project "The Construction and Biology Appraisal of the Burgurbal Bacterial T-DNA insertion of the mutant warehouse", the pre-research project "Separation and Extraction of the Microbial Separation and Bacteria" of the Innovation Experimental Project "GAL4/UAS Rapid Cause Fly Verify Exotic Detoxifies". These projects have obtained excellent results. Later, I also participated in the packaging promotion of the "Ji Zi No. 4" excellent cucumber variety in Jilin Province, as well as comparative tests and market research work, pesticide market research work, etc.

Li Lin (right) conducted a comparative test of strawberry varieties at the Jilin Provincial Institute of Vegetable and Flower Science. Interviewee confidence

These experiences made me confirm the direction of struggle in the future -microorganisms.

I like to deal with these small life under these microscope. The seemingly small pathogenic bacteria have huge lethality, attracting me to study how they infected and cause disease. These unknown processes inspired my desire to exploration.

Over the years, my psychology has gradually changed. I have come out of the narrowness and prejudice that I have caused by ignorance, so that I only want to get rid of poverty from the beginning, and now I have ideals and ambitions.

People must have a little faith to have the motivation to struggle.

I came from the countryside and knew that the farmers were not easy. The big harvests that they are looking forward to after hard work, those faces filled with sincere smiles are the ordinary people I want to protect. This is why I insist on choosing scientific research.

I always have a particularly admirable scientist, Academician Yuan Longping. He once said that people are like a seed and have to be a good seed.

Young seeds sowing hope is the future of the motherland. I also want to be a good seed in his mouth, sincere and pure, work hard for a lifetime, dedicated to scientific research throughout his life, and become a person who helps others and the country.

Until I personally practiced the breeding test of the Agricultural Field, and experienced a huge crop sample treatment workload, a little success after many failures, and the test of the scorching sun, I realized that the breeding work was so difficult, and I realized that the job was for the work of the work. The significance of food safety and national security of the people.

Li Lin (middle) launched a harmful investigation in the field in the field. Interviewee confidence

I want to live for my own ideals in the future

I have never had deep memories of suffering, and I wo n’t let myself indulge in pain, and my ability to mediate emotions is strong.

Because I have a great mother, her fate gives her much more than me.

Mourning women, bereavement, mother, and husband suffer from cancer ... Each one is enough to defeat the pain of an ordinary person. But she has always been a positive and optimistic attitude, and even if she has occasionally complaining, she will soon disappear.

She often joked and said, "Life abuses me a few times, and I am in love with life."

She is a warrior with romantic heroism. After seeing the truth of life, she is still willing to choose to love life.

The power of the role model made me the same person like her -although she was small, there was a "little sun" hidden in the body, like the weeds growing stubborn on the field, the wind was blowing, and the fire burned endlessly. Always passionate, always optimistic.

In front of us, the only negative emotions exposed by the mother are self -blame.

When I shared my national scholarship with her in a cheerful manner, she posted a circle of friends and said, "Sorry for her daughter, I couldn't give her a better living conditions." When I saw this sentence, my heart was sour. Tears flowed silently.

I never blame her background, and I don't want her to feel guilty because of this. This is not her fault. The frustration and suffering of life are the storms I must experience, these are to make me a stronger and remarkable person.

I deeply feel what Pang Zhongwang said in an interview with "Hanmen Guizi". He said that he had such a good parent and family, and everyone should envy him.

Some people are in Rome as soon as they are born, and some people can't reach Rome throughout their lives.

Perhaps the same thing, I need to pay more efforts to get it, but what about it? Resentment is the manifestation of the weak, looking forward and running forward to reach the other side of his dream.

Just like what "The Demon Boy of Nezha" said: "I can't help me!"

Therefore, I don't want to stop at university or set up limits for myself. I want to continue to explore in the scientific world and strive to become a scientific researcher.

Last year, I was eligible for exemption. In June and July, I participated in a total of three summer camps -the Institute of Genetics and Development Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the School of Life Sciences of Nanjing University, and the School of Life Science and Technology of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Finally, I chose Shanghai Jiaotong University.

In the future, I want to engage in the study of biological control and microbial pathogenesis to explore more secrets of the unknown world. If you choose this road, you will not stop. Back up the bag and embark on a journey of dreaming again.

If the first half of my life is to fight for a sigh of relief, then I think I want to work hard for my ideals. Even if it can make a little insignificant contribution to the progress of human science, this life is worth it.

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