Experts of "thermal irritation" in summer are easy to occur in prevention and treatment measures

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.07.17

In the past few days, high temperatures in the south have continued to be high. The heat waves are coming, and many people have diagnosed thermal radiation disease in many places. What is fever? What is the harm of thermal radiation? How to prevent fever? The reporter interviewed relevant experts on these issues concerned by the public.

"Thermal radiation disease is actually a kind of heat stroke." Xiong Huawei, deputy director of the emergency department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, told reporters that according to the level of disease, heat stroke can be divided into three types: heat spasm, thermal failure, and thermal ejaculation. Symptoms of thermal spasm include a large amount of sweating and limb spasm. Patients with heat failure will experience dizziness, low fever, and mental deficiency. Patients with heat irritation will be manifested as high fever above 39 ° C, dry sweat, deep coma, and continuous high fever is easy Cause multi -organ failure.

Xiong Huawei introduced that with the improvement of production and living conditions and the enhancement of public prevention awareness, in fact, the number of patients with heat ejaculation patients in the hospital has continued to decrease in recent years. The situation of developing patients with fever. Experts believe that outdoor workers, closed spaces and high -temperature workers, and some special groups with strong heat -producing and weak heat dissipation are often heat stroke, especially high -risk people.

From the perspective of experts, there are still many misunderstandings about heat stroke.

Misunderstanding 1: heat stroke is very common, so as not to danger. In daily life, many people think that heatstroke sweating is very common, and often does not care and continues to work at high temperatures. Experts believe that the development of ordinary heat strokes requires a process of heat irritation. For example, after heat stroke, it will continue to be exposed to high temperature environments. The symptoms will increase. Once it develops into a thermal ejection disease, it may be life -threatening at any time.

Misunderstanding 2: heat stroke is a minor illness, and it can be better at home. Some people are used to cooling down some soil methods after heat stroke, such as scraping. Experts said that for some symptoms, especially heat stroke patients who have entered a coma state, if they do not send medical treatment in time, they will often delay the best treatment time.

Experts said that the most important thing for heatstroke treatment is to cool down rapidly, especially for patients with fever. If it develops to the fever, it is necessary to send it to the hospital in time. The hospital will take various ways to help patients to achieve body surface cooling and internal organs to cool down, and carry out symptomatic treatment.

In the next few days, high -temperature weather in the south may develop further. It can be prevented by heat stroke. Experts recommend that they do not need to operate in high temperature environment. Once the symptoms of heat stroke occur, they should stay away from the high temperature environment and physical cooling.

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