The "Yan" value burst into the heat wave, and the Wuhan Railway Station area has a wonderful trick to deal with "baking"

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.17

Jimu Journalist Ye Wenbo

Correspondent Shi Wei

Intern Deng Xinxin 谢 Xinru Xie Tingrui Minfu Forest

Wuhan opened the continuous high temperature and sunny mode on July 9th. The staff of the Wuhan Railway Station area still adhered to the front line under high temperature and heat, guarding the summer passengers to travel safely. All units in the station area take heatstroke prevention and cooling as an important task for the current summer work, combined with party members and cadres' "lower grassroots, inspecting the people, relieving the people's worry, and warming the people's hearts", listen to the people's conditions, jointly implement the measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down Weather prevention should deal with work.

Carry out the "Send Cool" activity. The leadership team of the station area, Wuhan Railway Station, Yangchun Lake Passenger Transfer Center and other units led the team to organize the "Sending Cool" activity to send the heatstroke prevention and cooling supplies for the front -line staff of the hot summer, and present a sincere care. And instructing everyone to pay attention to the combination of work and rest while doing their due diligence to achieve work and heatstroke prevention.

"Send Cool" event

Strengthen information interoperability. The station area pays close attention to the weather changes, and publish early warning information in the WeChat work group every day, reminding the guide station unit to do a good job of production safety under high temperature weather. The units of the station area in the WeChat group will notify the unit's heat cooling and cooling, safe production and other work in the WeChat group in time Happening.

Cooling spray system

Improve the hardware environment. The station area office is equipped with ventilation or cooling equipment facilities such as nucleic acid sample houses with air -conditioning, sunscreen, mobile fan, cooling spray system, ice cubes, etc. Set up a rest room for front -line staff to take turns to rest. In order to cope with high temperature and summer passenger flow, a temporary nucleic acid detection point is added to the South Channel to facilitate passengers to quickly verify the station. Yang Chunhu Passenger Transfer Center rationally adjusts the air -conditioning temperature and fan gear of the intensive travel area of ​​the smart travel center, ticketing hall, service desk, service desk, waiting room, etc. to ensure cooling and smooth ventilation in the room.

Equipped with heatstroke

Equipped with heatstroke beverages and first -aid items. All units of the station are provided with heatstroke and cooling drinks and foods for front -line staff daily, such as mung bean soup, salt soda, popsicles, watermelon, etc. The station area office, Wuhan train station, Yang Chunhu passenger transfer center at high temperature workplace and passenger service desks such as east -west station inlet, east -west nucleic acid detection point, are equipped with first -aid drugs and items, such as Ren Dan, Ten drops Severing drugs such as oil essence are used to prepare passengers from time to time.

Equipped with first aid

Strengthen the promotion of heatstroke and cooling. The station area office and Wuhan railway station increased the promotion and training of high -temperature operations, high temperature weather operations and their protection measures for front -line staff, and used the time before the job to invite medical staff to train the first -tier staff to train heatstroke and cool down first aid knowledge to popularize the heatstroke prevention prevention prevention and heatstroke prevention. Call down knowledge, guide staff to strengthen the awareness of prevention, master heat stroke prevention and control measures and individual protection methods, and improve the ability level of heat stroke signal recognition and self -rescue and mutual rescue of heat stroke.

Medical staff introduces heatstroke prevention and first aid knowledge

Sending cool summer on the hot summer, and the love of warmth. The Wuhan Railway Station area will continue to carry out the practical activities of party members and cadres "lower grassroots, inspect the people, relieve the people's concerns, and warm the people's hearts". The health rights and interests of the majority of passengers.

(The picture is provided by the correspondent)

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