Shanxi introduced the increase in the main body of the Cultural Tourism and Cainful Care Market

Author:Shanxi Economic Daily Time:2022.06.15

Shanxi Economic Daily reporter Ma Yongliang

Recently, the Provincial Department of Finance issued the "Several Measures for the Multiplier of the Master of the Cultural Tourism Care Market", which involved 5 aspects including the construction of the Cultural Tourism (district, base), and a total of 12 items, in order to further stimulate the vitality of the main body of the cultural tourism health care market. In the development of internal vitality, leveraging more social capital to actively participate in the investment of cultural tourism recreational projects, and promote the comprehensive and high -quality development of the province's cultural tourism health care industry.

In terms of the construction of the Cultural Tourism Kangbu Garden (district, base), the 50 Cultural Tourism Demonstration Zone completed by the provincial -level layout construction shall be given 5 million yuan, 10 million yuan, and 20 million yuan awards according to the scale of capital investment; The above -mentioned 50 cultural tourism demonstration zones have completed the completion of the elderly industrial projects in the construction and construction, and the reward is given in accordance with the standard of 10,000 yuan per bed. The total reward for each demonstration area is not more than 5 million yuan; The "cultural+" demonstration park (base) of the industrial demonstration park, cultural and technological integration demonstration base, cultural export base, cultural and financial cooperation demonstration zone, etc. give 500,000 to 2 million yuan in rewards.

In terms of the promotion of cultural tourism brands and the upgrading of scenic spots, it is arranged for no less than 200 million yuan to promote the promotion of cultural tourism in the province each year, and enhance the influence of Shanxi cultural tourism brand. Implementing the "Customer Promotion of Passengers" awards in the provincial travel agencies, no less than 40 million yuan is arranged each year. Implement the quality award of tour guide services, arrange 3 million yuan each year, and determine 100 gold, silver, and copper tour guidance service quality awards for outstanding tour guides in the province, and implement rewards at 50,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan, and 10,000 yuan, respectively.

In terms of loan discounts of major cultural tourism recreational projects, focusing on the key projects of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the major cultural tourism recuperation project of the "9 + 13" ladder construction plan. 50%of the loan amount and the annual loan market quotation rate of the annual one -year loan market gives discounted support, and the same project can support up to 2 years.

The first -class aspect of the benchmarking of cultural tourism recreation enterprises, the provincial -level cultural tourism recreational "chain owners" enterprises that meet the conditions will give one million yuan, 5 million yuan, and 10 million yuan for their annual operating income. For companies selected for the first time or nominated for the top 30 national cultural enterprises, they will give a reward of no more than 3 million yuan or 1 million yuan respectively; for three consecutive years of maintaining the top 30 companies in cultural enterprises for three consecutive years, they will give a reward of no more than 5 million yuan.

In terms of the development of the performing arts, film and television industry, outstanding stage art works that have won national awards such as the "Five One Engineering Awards", "Mandarin Award", and "National Outstanding Reservation Drape", have given more than 50 performers of 300,000 yuan in annual performances. Reward; those who participate in important performances outside or abroad, give appropriate rewards as appropriate. Subsidable film and television works produced by film and television production units in the province. For outstanding films that have won awards in major film festivals at home and abroad, each rewarded 500,000 yuan to 1 million yuan; excellent film and television works that won the "Five One Engineering Awards", "Hua Table Award" and "Flying Heaven Award", each rewarded 200 10,000 yuan.

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