@Will be sunny tomorrow, but do not enter the mountain!Rain will come again next week

Author:Xi'an released Time:2022.07.16

Last night to today's day

There is a short -term rainstorm weather process in Xi'an

The damp and humid weather comes to an end of the day

Make citizens feel cool

Xi'an Meteorological Observatory

16:00 on July 16, 2022

Release weather forecast:


Affected by the west wind slot and low vortex, the city will still have a precipitation weather process from the night of the 18th to the 19th. The specific forecast is as follows:

Tonight to tomorrow day: Cloudy in the urban area is sunny, 23 ℃ ~ 33 ℃, other districts and counties are cloudy and sunny, the lowest temperature is 21 ℃ ~ 24 ℃, and the highest temperature is 31 ℃ ~ 33 ℃;

Tomorrow from Tomorrow to 18th: Cloudy, 22 ℃ ~ 30 ℃;

Daily from the evening of the 18th to the 19th: there is a middle to heavy rain in cloudy days, and heavy rain in the mountainous area of ​​the southeast, 21 ° C to 26 ° C.

Two days after the Ming Dynasty, the weather in our city turned clear. Although the highest temperature was around 33 ° C, because the humidity was relatively sullen, it was still necessary to remind everyone to pay attention to heatstroke prevention.

Yesterday 21:00 to today 14:00

Precipitation distribution diagram


This time the precipitation distribution is uneven

Especially in areas with high precipitation

Pay attention to prevent the rain after the rainwater

Possible geological disasters

Remind citizen friends

Do not enter the mountain weekend

The Weihe River appeared in the flood No. 1 in 2022


At 20:00 on July 16, the reporter learned from the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Water Resources that due to the influence of the flood of the Weihe River, the Weihe River Dry Lintong Station appeared 3210 cubic meters per second on July 16 to form the flood of the Weihe River 2022. At present, the water potential is still rising. Please pay attention to prevention at all levels along the route.

Copy rainfall

Our city's drainage department

Start the flood control II emergency response


"In response to this round of rainfall, we have initiated flood control II emergency response." On July 16, the reporter learned from Xi'an Water Election Group that they have accumulated 1009 person -times, 188 vehicles, and 188 emergency drawing equipment. Ensure that urban drainage is smooth.

According to the scheduling arrangement of the Municipal City Defense Office, during this rainfall, Xi'an Water Restoration Group strictly implemented the system of duty and class. All personnel of the accumulated water points were on duty. Water discharge water to ensure that water accumulation is dealt with in time; in advance, various sewage plants will be notified to increase drainage and reduce liquid levels.

Qiaoqiao District:

Act quickly

Eliminate the impact of strong water drop weather on the city


During this rainfall, the Special Inspection Team of the Special Inspection Team of the Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau of Laqiao District dispatched a total of 42 personnel and 7 law enforcement vehicles. Law enforcement team members carefully inspected the duty and reported water accumulation and rainfall in a timely manner.

Check 9 points for the stagnant water, three of which are serious, and 5 are closed with closed roads. The spinning garden has a serious water accumulation all the way, and the emergency value guards the team members help the masses to promote the drowns by rainwater to the safe zone, evacuate and persuade passenger vehicles and pedestrians to return to the deep water section. Impact.

Lintong District:

Quickly launch road flood prevention emergency plans

Check the hidden dangers of various types of risks


On July 15, the Lintong District Transportation Bureau quickly launched a road flood prevention emergency plan to investigate various types of risks.

At 10:30 that night, the heavy rain struck, which led to the short -term water remittance in some low -lying points in some roads in the urban area, and the water accumulated was deeper. The duty personnel who have the flood control sites such as Jiangou Interchange, Laoshan Xinjiayuan, and Airport Road Cave, etc., close the roads in a timely manner, pump water, clean up the mud to ensure that the road is safe and smooth under the bad weather. It is understood that as of the morning of July 16th, except for the closure of the airport road, all the roads under their jurisdiction were resumed.

Chang'an District:

Supervisory and inspection of key parts along the mountain street

Flood prevention work


In response to this round of rainfall, the Chang'an District Flood Control Office issued a notice in advance to arrange for prevention and response work. Flood prevention should work.

At 19:50 on July 15th, according to the early warning signal of the Chang'an District Meteorological Observatory, the streets and district defense refers to members of Chang'an District entered the job in accordance with their responsibilities, and organized the power to conduct inspections on key parts such as river channels, reservoirs, and urban roads.

After the emergency response was launched, all departments of the street office of Chang'an District made every effort to do a good job of flood control. The district leaders led the team to supervise and inspect the flood control work in the urban area. There were 21 and controlled the mouth of the region, with 38 people who evacuated 14 households, and dispatched more than 300 flood control personnel, one pumping truck, pumping truck, dredging vehicle, and 62 flood control vehicles.

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