Qin Xing shines 丨 "Xi'an Good Man" Xiao Yanhan

Author:Xi'an Radio and Television Fi Time:2022.07.16

At present, the epidemic is "battlefield" everywhere.在这场新冠肺炎疫情的防控阻击战中,陕西省委组织部和陕投集团秦创原发展股份有限公司党委号召各级党员干部冲在一线、干在实处,用脚步丈量责任,以行动Write. Among them, Xiao Yanhan, an employee of Qin Chuangyuan Development Co., Ltd. of Shaanxi Investment Group, used his actual actions to practice the mission and original intention of Chinese youth in the new era.

In December 2021, a new round of new crown pneumonia swept the ancient capital Xi'an. At a critical moment when the epidemic prevention and control situation was severe, he became a "retrograde person" to the front line of epidemic prevention. There are no orders or assembly numbers, but the epidemic is order, prevention and control is responsibility. At the most critical moment, he uses the actual actions of volunteers to clear his "first identity".

"Xi'an Good Man" Xiao Yanhan

She is a small family, the epidemic is the command

On the evening of December 22, 2021, Xiao Yanhan sent a child and wife who were under 1 year old to his mother -in -law's house, and put it into the park's epidemic prevention and control team in the Tianxia Community in the park. "Give me it, please rest assured." This is the most firm sentence he said with the leaders and colleagues of the epidemic prevention class.

In addition to facing heavy work in the community, there are many temporary and sudden tasks. In the face of new challenges, he always takes the initiative to ask for, and he has no hesitation, showing the responsibility of a new era of young people in the new era. In the face of complicated work, he is always in an orderly and dedicated work, expressing the courage and strength of a youth. He used his dedication to prove that the "post -90s" protected by the world during the "SARS" period have become the "new hero" to protect the world.

In order to accurately grasp the development of the park's epidemic prevention work and better assist leaders to deploy follow -up work, he actively works overtime and sort out data every night, classified and summarized various types of information, and worked for more than 20 consecutive days until 12 pm. The next morning he got up early the next morning and started to sort out the personnel information pushed by superiors in the early morning to ensure that the next day can ensure the smooth development of normal work the next day.

Xiao Yanhan participated in the epidemic prevention and control work

With their duties, the people need everything

"For the health of you and others, please cooperate with the call." This is a sentence he sent to the neighborhood of the community. In order to actively cope with the epidemic, he joined the "Park World Epidemic Prevention Assault Team" and assumed more than 1,000 residents' nucleic acid detection order maintenance and bayonet duty point.

He devoted himself to the "battle" of the epidemic prevention and control, wearing a protective suit and time race. In the past 30 days, he faced the cold wind, regardless of the day and night, and implemented the "knocking operation" and "delivery of vegetables" "Action", organized more than 20,000 nucleic acid testing, more than 30 batches of materials, and distributed more than 2,000 copies of supplies. They did not miss one person and accurately guarantee them.

He didn't have any words, but used his actual actions to interpret what the responsibility was, showing that a young man was not afraid of sacrifice, not afraid of difficulties, and the noble sentiment of dedication, and silently fulfilled the responsibility and mission of a volunteer!

"Xi'an Good Man" Xiao Yanhan

Warm people's heart and pass on the positive energy of society

On the morning of December 26, 2021, those who found close contact with those who had confirmed the diagnosis of new crown pneumonia needed to be immediately transferred to the designated place for isolation. Regardless of personal safety, Xiao Yan and Han rushed to the patient's house to conduct on -site control and isolation in the patient's house.

The objective objects that need to be isolated this time are older old people. They hold a certain conflict about isolation. Xiao Yanhan appeases the emotions of the elderly and their families for the first time. It is reasonable to be reasonable, and inform the masses of the people should lead by example and give up their families for everyone when the country is in danger. The epidemic spread further.

On the afternoon of December 29, 2021, the special classes received two instructions that needed to beolate and close contact. Xiao Yanhan went to the designated person to go to the designated personnel's home with the police.While doing a good job of isolation, solve the difficulties that the masses encountered in time.The objects that need to be isolated are both 2 months old and children under 4 years old.One of the 4 -year -old children in the home of the isolated person had a fever. He took the initiative to ask for a medical treatment for the child to stay in the hospital. After all the settlement was completed, it was late at night to return to the community.As a father who is under 1 year old, Tiehan also has tenderness. He feels very guilty of his family and children. When the night is quiet, he can't help leaving tears.The younger generation has faith, our country will have power, the younger generation has the responsibility, and our nation will have hope.From December 23, 2021 to January 25, 2022, Xiao Yanhan did not rest for a day. He always adhered to his posts and worked silently.

Source: Xi'an Municipal Party Committee Civilization Office

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