Dragon Police Story | The people \"place orders\" really!Police follow -up energy!

Author:Harbin Net Police Inspection L Time:2022.06.08

Source: Dragon Police

The emotions in those stories [


123] Hidden under the moon of the stars

365 days a year, the star river rotates, the four seasons rotate, some people meet a new life in the realm of property changes, some people are in Two o'clock, there are peace between the front line, and some people have bravely facing surging in the rising and rising moon. There are many stories every day in this world. The touch in the storage story, the emotions hidden under the stars, the light of the hidden blue light, illuminating the path of the walker.

Dragon Police New Media opened the \"Dragon Police Story \"The column, telling the real story that happened in the police camp, gathered the warmth of warm people's hearts, and recorded a\" responsibility \"that was engraved into life without thinking ...

\" You can help me buy some pork ribs, irrigated dry sausages, meat, and two small belly. \"On the morning of May 28, Fan Dajun, a police officer of the Hari Police Station, received a\" polite \"WeChat from Ms. Li, a resident of the district. Take concentrated isolation, the elderly in their 70 -year -old and teenage children in their families are unattended, so they want to find someone to help buy some food for them. It happened that when Ms. Li was in trouble, she received WeChat from the police officer Fan Dajun. Lao Fan also knew that she was separated, so she took the initiative to ask her difficulties. Ms. Li hid hidden in a sloppy manner and directly \"put the order\" to Fan Dajun. Fan Dajun deeply felt Ms. Li's anxiety, Immediately, according to Ms. Li's requirements, the food was delivered to the designated location.

As a community police that has taken root in the grassroots level, Fan Dajun not only has WeChat from each residents in the jurisdiction, but also also Taking the serving the masses as a habit of raising his hand.

At 3 pm, Ms. Li wrote a thank -you letter to Fan Dajun, although although although It was isolated because of the epidemic, but the sincere thanks and trust from the masses also rushed like a warm wind.

In the letter of thanks, Ms. Li wrote: \"Thank you for the pipe film Police Fan Dajun, when the epidemic was coming, escorted our residents. We were very comforted in our hearts. We must cooperate with the government and work together for the victory of the epidemic prevention and control! \"

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