Youth, please speak!

Author:Henan Communist Youth League Time:2022.07.16

Youth Nursing Hope

Online review creation is wonderful

Young people have thoughts, feelings, and power

They are "aboriginals" in the Internet era

It is becoming a vital force that promotes the positive energy of the Internet


Henan Provincial Party Committee Network Information Office, Communist Youth League Henan Provincial Party Committee

Henan Daily and Dahe Network Media Group sponsored

"Welcome to the 20th, struggle to be younger"

Henan Youth Network Review Contest

Officially launched

Long press to identify the QR code above to participate

This competition has achieved historic achievements in the development of the party and the state since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the people's production and life have undergone tremendous changes. On the perspective of personal experience, unique views, and vivid language, vividly show the vivid practice of the province anchoring the "two guarantees" and implementing the "Top Ten Strategy", tell the story of Cai Henan, tell the "Yellow River in the new era" "Story" shows the most beautiful attitude of contemporary youth, Ming Da, Chengda Cai, and Da Dai, down -to -earth, and work hard on the youth track.

Dajiang and Great River Pentium forward

Time time is endless

No matter where you are

Just love online comments

We all welcome you to submit enthusiastically

Excellent online review works of this competition

Will be concentrated online display

And included to the topic

Recommend to the entire network

There is also a chance to recommend participating in the Henan News Award!

Come and see ~


Competition time

July 15, 2022


October 15, 2022



Welcome to the twenty major struggles and youthful



Netizens inside and outside the province, college student group



If the requirements of the collection of the contests are required, the publications have been published (January 1, 2022-October 15, 2022) or have not been released. The works include three categories: text reviews, video reviews, and picture reviews.

1. Work -oriented. Adhere to the correct political direction, deepen, clear views, rigorous logic, smooth expression, and seeking truth from facts; have innovative discourse forms, present forms, suitable for network transmission, and strong infectious power and communication; all works need no copyright issues, participants, participants Agree to authorize the competing rights, information network dissemination rights, adaptation rights, and assembly rights to be used to the organizer of the competition.

2. Work category. Text works require long -term review articles for no more than 2000 words, and about 1,000 words short review articles; video works require ordinary video duration within 8 minutes, short video time within 3 minutes, formats are MP4, MOV, no more than 800m; picture work requirements requirements The expression of the picture, the form: ① original photography picture, can be a single or group picture; ② creative visual picture, can be posters, comics, illustrations, illustrations, static emoticons, etc. The format is JPG, and the work needs to be explained with a short text.



Clearance through mailbox submission and platform declaration and other forms, accepting individual (group) and organization declaration.

(1) Autonomous declaration

1. Build a special page and set up WeChat Mini Program for social contribution. Special address:

Long press to identify the QR code to participate

- END -

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