"Our life seems to be a problem." What should I do?

Author:Xindi Time:2022.07.16


"Our life seems to be a problem." This sentence has previously brushed the screen. It has a lot of stamina and has frequently hit my heart. in

I want to share the two moments that make me unprepared recently. One is to learn that a Sichuan local livelihood program called "Tan Tan Traffic" was removed from the shelves because of complex copyright issues.

It is the most circulating person who is called "Uncle Fugui". He has a difficult life, but he has a good hand and "look forward". This lens is fixed in the hearts of many people, staying for many years.

I hope it can come back again. I don't want to see that ordinary people are working hard to live and get off from our horizons.

The other is the word "Town as a questioner" and was dragged into the discussion area. I don't talk about how this group should be regarded. I want to talk about one thing I discovered by accident, which surprised me and sad. I found a group of young people who continued to abuse themselves in a continuous and fierce words.

The reason is consistent: defeated in a certain test in life. in

The college entrance examination was not taken well, the postgraduate entrance examination was not taken, the examination was not exam, or even a driving school exam. They used words too ruthlessly. A student who should be 985 said that he "exhausted youth and only made one consumable." A two -book girl said that she felt that she had done everything, and actively sought at performance, exams, and competitions, but in the end, she felt that "life has been falling."

A girl who still failed in the Second World War II said on her birthday, "23 years old, a life of rotten stinky", she even called herself, "the secondary product on the assembly line."

There is no way to not shake or be heartbreaking. I understand may be the vent of some accumulated negative emotions, but there must be some problems.

Why should a young man in his early 20 degraded himself? Where is the problem in our lives?


In order to answer this question, we made a film and asked a graduate of Peking University to talk to a two graduates. The two of them have similar points. The same age has given up the postgraduate entrance examination and doing work. In the eyes of the people around, they are too "ordinary".

There are also many differences between the two of them. Peking University students say that their biggest advantage is, "the ability to choose from," she chose to live like this. This two -book student is more interesting. She has sold vegetables and has been on the assembly line. She founded a group called "our lives that couldn't go down", and she said that we must learn to accept our ordinary.

Inspired by her, this film is called, "We can't get up a lifetime". The dialogue is longer than some short videos, but I hope you can finish watching it, and you are welcome to forward it to your friends. You should get some answers.

Talk about the source of this film.

I really want to know where is there? I asked many young people, and I never realized some things.

I asked, have you seen the "frustrated person" in your life? A colleague from Hebei County said that before work, she had never seen a student studying at the two schools. Although their school is not in the provincial capital, the key high school is 100 %.

I asked, what is the initial cognition of "success" in your eyes? Two colleagues said they came from their parents. A mother thinks that "work in the office to blow air conditioning" is success. Another mother believes that "someone gives you gifts" is success. Although you see it seemingly clear, but on the other side, it is extremely confusing. Inside, there is no indicator. It is about what kind of person you will be, your character, your hobbies, and your texture.

Someone asked me, do you know why someone is so desperate for someone to take the exam?

"You don't know what else is in the middle of life and the middle of the eggs. None of the ordinary middle zone is called ordinary life. Life seems to be easy to finish."


I also got some inspiration. This is what I want to share most.

Someone told me that we must be alert to some "counterattack" stories.

A two -book graduation, now a very good advertiser in the industry told me not to encourage young people to fight hard on their necks and not beautify pain.

"I don’t believe that any failure is the mother of success, and what else is not refining (just), I don’t recognize this. Most people are not as strong as they imagine. People need to relax. It is possible to do a good job. "

Someone told me to be alert to the pride of "winners".

I was surprised to find that there was a chain of contempt in the original "town as a questioner". Those who can be discussed are those who do amazing questions. There are also a large number of people who work hard to do questions, but there is no result. A columnist said, "We are always reading results, not the whole process."

Today I want to stand here and say that this is a problem. Don't degrade his efforts to a person who has worked hard to not receive the "result".

I am a town as a questioner. I have been buried in the past 18 years. I did knock on some doors. And I really believed that "the harder the hard work, the more lucky," until one day, I started to doubt something. "My life will always win", and it will continue to inspire people, but it will also drag people into a trap. What do you need to chase? To make matters worse, it gives people an illusory "arrogance" and will feel that life will never fall into some kind of dilemma. It also makes people have a despicable selfishness. When facing the pain of others, they feel that they are "survivors". This makes me ashamed.

Where is the problem? Perhaps, many times, people no longer blush and no longer ashamed.


Back to this film, I was very impressed with a detail.

I asked this two girls named Sha Ji, are you painful?

She said it was always painful.

I asked her, what should I do?

She said: Ignore. The more painful people pay attention to their hearts.

I completely hit me at this moment. We put on hold, hide, and ignore the pain in our hearts. Together with all emotions, the authority is closed.

This should not.

We really want to do something. If you are in pain, we will accompany you. If you deny yourself, we praise you. We don't want you to be a bystander, I hope you can participate together to continue the video series "The Life We Inferred". If you have your own story to tell, you can click on this link to register.

What we want to do, just like the avatar set by Sha Ji for the group that is "not up", it is a parachute, an umbrella.

This means that there is always a sky that belongs to you, you are free, happy, flying, and dignified.

We know ourselves, we recognize ourselves, and we stop using such fierce words to humiliate ourselves.

Planning: Ding Ding, Deng Yaya, Dawn

Visual: Kuizi

Special thanks@校 特 campus

Late prayer time:


The greatest success in the world,

Ordinary people are serious and self -esteem.

- END -

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