Two more education groups in Haizhu District, these two schools are renamed named

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.07.15

There are two more education groups in Haizhu District. On July 15, the information disclosure platform of the Haizhu District Education Bureau issued a notice on the establishment of "Guangzhou No. 97 Middle School Education Group" and "Guangzhou 41st Middle School Education Group". The notice shows that in order to promote the balanced and high -quality development of regional education, the Haizhu District Education Bureau now decides to set up the above two education groups.

Among them, the core school of the 97th Middle School Education Group of Guangzhou is the 97th Middle School of Guangzhou, and the member schools are Guangzhou Xiaoyuan Middle School and Guangzhou Blue Sky Middle School. The core school of Guangzhou No. 41 Middle School Education Group is the 41st Middle School in Guangzhou. The member school is the Haizhu District of Guangzhou, the Hongmian Primary School in Haizhu District, Guangzhou, the Haizhu District Industrial Avenue Primary School in Haizhu District, Guangzhou, and Guangzhou Hezhu District, Shizhu District, Memorial Primary School, Deng Shichang Memorial Primary School in Haizhu District, Guangzhou.

According to the notice, various schools should actively integrate education resources and integrate development strategies, promote the formation of distinctive school characteristics of members of the group, play a role of demonstration radiation and leading role in the group, and promote the balanced and high -quality development of regional education.

At present, there are seven major education groups in Haizhu District, including the Second Experimental Primary Education Group of the Second Experimental Primary School Education Group, Tongfu Middle Road First Primary School Education Group, Haizhu District Experimental Primary School Education Group, Guangzhou Fifth Middle School Education Group, Nanwu Education Group, and the newly established Guangzhou Municipal 97 Middle School Education Group, Guangzhou 41st Middle School Education Group.

Xiaoyuan Middle School, Blue Sky Middle School renamed

Earlier, the unveiling ceremony was held on July 9th.

"The establishment of the group this time renamed Xiaoyuan Middle School and Blue Sky Middle School to" Guangzhou No. 97 Middle School Xiaoyuan School '"Guangzhou No. 97 Middle School Lan Sky School". This is not just the change of school names It is also necessary to achieve the consistency of the three schools and the concept of concepts, and the personnel must also maintain the corresponding integration. "The relevant person in charge of the Haizhu District Education Bureau said at the unveiling ceremony that the overall operation of the group's overall operation in the future will gradually be established, which will not only realize the resources of resources Co -construction and sharing, at the same time, also promote the development of the school's personality, and the concept must be closely converged. At the same time, group running schools should have more innovative actions in terms of management form, personnel flow, and professional title evaluation.

The unveiling ceremony of the 97th Middle School Education Group

Guangzhou Five Middle East Xiao School has also been unveiled on July 4 this year

Increasing the depth of school running school in Haizhu District

This year's group layout of Haizhu District has changed. The reporter had previously learned from the Education Bureau of Haizhu District that Haizhu District took the district demonstration high school as the core school, increased the depth of the group running school, and further promoted the high -quality and balanced development of junior high schools.

Adjustment 1: Guangzhou Fifth Middle School Education Group's new "Guangzhou Five Middle East Xiaoxiao School" (formerly Dongxiao Middle School) and Haizhu Foreign Language Experimental Middle School (formerly 98th Middle School) entrusted the Group's core school Fifth Middle School respectively Management of Haizhu Foreign Language Experimental Middle School with high -quality schools.

Adjustment 2: Nanyu Middle School and Lingnan Painting School Memorial Middle School conduct merger and reorganization. The original Lingnan Painting School Memorial Middle School Erotic Middle School (Lingnan Painting School Memorial Campus) enrolled students.

Adjustment 3: The two educational groups of the 97th Middle School and the Forty -one Middle School were established.

In addition, in the public high school degree and public junior high school degrees, there is still the following changes in Haizhu Education this year: the new Jinbi campus in Guangzhou Fifth Middle School has added 288 demonstration high school degrees; Shengwei Campus), two private schools of two private schools in the former Nanda Junior High School have been transferred to district -affiliated junior high school, and they are renamed the sixth Middle School Zhujiang Middle School of Haizhu District, Guangzhou, and Nanwu Experimental School of Guangzhou City. The management of Guangzhou Nanwu Middle School has added more than 2,000 high -quality public junior high school degrees.

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: Lin Xinzheng's picture comes from the school's Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Lin Chuanling

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