Heavy!By 2025, Quanzhou will be like this

Author:Quanzhou Evening News Time:2022.06.15

Quanzhou introduced "Fourteen Five -Year Plan"

Special plan for urban and rural infrastructure construction and management!

By 2025,

We will build such a city!

The pace of the construction of Huanwan City is continuously accelerating (data map)

The reporter learned from the Quanzhou Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau that recently, Quanzhou issued the "Special Plan for the Construction and Management of the" Fourteenth Five -Year Plan "urban and rural infrastructure of Quanzhou City", and proposed the "14th Five -Year Plan" period. The physical examination assessment is the means, focusing on quality and efficiency as the main line, focusing on the gathering of new districts and the quality of ancient cities, and building a modern urban and rural infrastructure that supports cross -river development, cross -domain integration, zoning reconstruction, unblocked in the city, and Juliqiangxin. system. By 2025, a modern urban and rural infrastructure system of "complete, efficient, practical, intelligent green, safe and reliable" is initially built. The green transformation of urban and rural construction has obvious results. The service level has improved significantly, and the living environment has improved significantly.

The night view of Quanzhou is becoming more and more beautiful (data map) The convenient transportation of transportation in the urban area is basically reinforced at a high -speed comprehensive traffic system for 15 minutes, starting the construction of intercity/urban rail transit, starting the first phase of the R1 line project, and striving for "14th Five -Year Plan "Construction during the period. Continue to implement the "Unblocked City Unblocked" project, promote the integrated high (urban expressway) of high (entry and exit highway), and create a "one -ring city, two rings bays, multi -directional radiation" fast transportation system, break through the group connection channel, improve Internal road network level, improve urban and rural public passenger transport services, implement "three micro (microcirculation, micro -circulation, micro -governance), two new (new slow, new parking)" urban transportation quality improvement project, promote the "369" transportation circle Construction of the industrial circle of the living circle. By 2025, a high -speed speed will be achieved within 15 minutes within the urban area, and the high -speed transportation system of major transportation hubs will be fully covered. A total of 30,000 urban and rural public parking spaces.

Strive to create a national ecological garden city (data map)

Garden greening new park green space above 500 hectares

Focus on promoting the implementation of the "100 Thousand Thousands" project (ten square kilometers of country parks, 100 -mile green corridor, thousands of miles green roads), carry out the greening and promotion actions of Green Manchuan City, and build "landscape gardens, cultural gardens, people's gardens, and portal corridors". By 2025, the city will build 15 country parks (10 square kilometers), and build a green ecological space along the "two highs" and more than 50 kilometers of ecological corridors along the urban and rural features along the line. 500 kilometers of Fu Road with outstanding cultural functions in Quanzhou. The city area is built with more than 500 hectares of green space in the park, creating more than 700 pocket parks, various gardens and small micro -tourism parks. Basically, the ecological belt of the landscape is formed, and the green embankment beauty of the water is clear, the ecological system of the relatives can be traveled, and the national ecological garden city is created.

Quanzhou's urban charm is continuously enhanced (data map) Living quality of the old community in 2000 years ago completed the renovation of old communities built in the city 2000 years ago. Carry out transformation. Coordinate the promotion of the organic update of 32 areas in the city and the scrolling development of the area, and enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity and the agglomeration of innovation elements. With Quanzhou Bay as the core and Donghai as the center, the "Two Rivers and One Bay" Haisi New District is built. By 2025, the function of the "Haisi Headquarters" of the East China Sea will be basically formed, and the infrastructure construction is moderate ahead. The "three -piece one -axis" rectification and improvement of the ancient city will be completed, and the world heritage cities will be created. The renovation of the old community has continuously promoted (data chart) living sewage system to promote urban and rural sewage management to vigorously implement the "two rivers" ecological protection actions, continuously promote sewage treatment to improve quality and efficiency, coordinate water environment and water ecological governance, and systematically promote urban and rural sewage treatment. Make up the shortcomings of sewage treatment capacity, improve the urban sewage collection system, comprehensively improve the quality of urban water environment, and actively carry out the use of recycled water. Strengthen the treatment of rural domestic sewage, and basically realize the full coverage of rural domestic sewage treatment in the county area.

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