Let the chain of love for free blood donation to build a loving Liaocheng Dongchangfu District holds 2022 "World Blood donor Day" publicity campaign

Author:Dongchang Radio and Television Time:2022.06.14

June 14 this year is the 19th World Blood donor day. In order to vigorously promote the "humanitarian, blog love, dedication" spirit of the Red Cross.

At the event, the loved ones who came to participate in the unpaid blood donation were endless. They lifted their sleeves, consulting the medical examination, registering for the first screen, and successful blood donation. At the temporary blood donation point of Ginza Plaza, Liaocheng, Wang Jingzhuang, a donor to the People's Hospital of Dongchangfu District, 5th, No. 39 cases of Liaocheng, and 5th case of Liaocheng, and 5th Castle City, Liaocheng, and 5th Castle City. The ranks are called on the general public to join the free blood donation team. Wang Jingzhuang said: "As a donor of blood donation and hematopoietic stem cells, I just participated in the donation of hematopoietic stem cell last month. Unfortunately, on the day of the World Blood Donation Certificate, I cannot participate in the free donation of blood, but I have to do my best to myself. Power, a responsibility to participate in volunteer service activities to encourage more people to participate in the free blood donation activities. "

Zhan Chunfang, resident of Dongchang Prefecture, Liaocheng, is the winner of the National Capital Blood Donation Gold Award. Today is her 40th blood donation. Zhan Chunfang said, "Today is World Blood Donation Day. On this special day, it is my 40th blood donation. As a volunteer of blood donation. My blood saves many people's lives. In a word, "Blood donation is not glorious for free", among these 40 blood donation, it also makes me feel proud and proud. "

It is understood that this year's "World Blood donor day" publicity activity, Liaocheng set up a total of four promotional points in the main urban area of ​​Dongchangfu District. Through exhibition boards, publicity manuals, free clinic consulting, etc. The knowledge and significance of blood donation allows more citizens to join in the free blood donation team and contribute to their own power to "River of Life". Zhao Ning, the webmaster of the Central Blood Station of Liaocheng City, said: "In 2021, the number of people in Liaocheng exceeded the 50,000 -day mark for the first time, reaching more than 54,000 people throughout the year. %, The atmosphere of Liaocheng's free blood donation is increased year by year. This year, a total of four activities were organized in the urban area of ​​Liaocheng. The annual blood donation activities were supported by a large number of Liaocheng caring citizens. On the first day of the event, more than 600 caring citizens had participated in blood donation throughout the day. The blood donation enthusiasm at the scene today is also particularly high. The number of people with free blood donation annually increased year by year to fully protect the needs of clinical blood use for treatment, and guarantee the guarantee. We talk about the safety and health of the people of the people in the city. "

Dongchangfu Rong Media: Liu Xiaohong Ren Li

Edit: Liu Fengchun

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