Shanghai Mental Health Center and Zhenjiang City Psychological Health Center "Yangtze River Delta Psychological and Psychological Innovation Team" cooperation network signing ceremony

Author:Xinhua Daily Time:2022.07.15

On the morning of July 14, 2022, the signing ceremony of the "Yangtze River Delta Psychological and Psychological Innovation Team" cooperation network signing ceremony and spiritual health specialist hospital capacity building seminar on the "Yangtze River Delta Psychological and Psychological Innovation Team" cooperation network was held on schedule.

Zhao Min, Dean of the Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shao Yang, deputy dean, Chen Jianhua, Yao Peifen, Chen Dandan, Li Xia, Yue Ling, Yan Feng, etc. attended the cloud meeting. Yang Yi, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Zhenjiang Municipal Health and Health Commission, arrived at the scene to congratulate and give a speech. Zhenjiang City's mental health leadership team, related functional departments, and medical staff of clinical departments attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Shao Yang, deputy dean of the Shanghai Mental Health Center.

In this "cloud" signing, in accordance with the original mission of benefiting the people, the two parties adhere to the principles of innovation, co -construction, win -win, and technical sharing, further implement the strategy of the Yangtze River Delta integrated, and strengthen the superior medical resources and brand output of the Shanghai Spiritual Health Center. Promoting the high -quality development of the mental health industry in Zhenjiang City can be described as "not only coincided with its potential and just right."

Zhao Min, Dean of the Shanghai Mental Health Center, delivered a speech

Dean Zhao said that the cooperation project of the "Long Triangle Psychological Psychological Innovation Team" signed today is based on the breakthrough of the elderly psychiatric department to promote the average development of psychiatric medical services for the elderly. Shanghai Jing will focus on strengthening advantageous medical resources and brand output. The two centers carry out medical, education, and scientific research cooperation to explore and practice high -level medical and health talent flexible flow mechanisms while driving the elderly and psychiatry of the Zhenjiang Psychiatric Center. The ability of psychiatry is difficult, complex, and critical. It is hoped that the Zhenjiang Psychiatric Health Center Elderly Division will have the implementation and promotion of new technologies and new projects to further have innovation capabilities, and become the technical guidance center, core and high -level talent training bases in the region to meet the needs of the people of the people.

Li Guohai, Dean of Zhenjiang City Psychological Health Center, speech

Dean Li said that the Shanghai Mental Health Center has made important contributions to the development of my country's spiritual health care and the cultivation of psychiatry talents, and has also trained talents for our hospital. The city's mental health center has long guidance and help. The cooperation with the Shanghai Mental Health Center with the Shanghai Mental Health Center is an important measure to further promote mutual cooperation. It is of great significance to improving the level of diagnosis and treatment and scientific research of our hospital.

Yang Yi, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Zhenjiang Health and Health Committee, delivered a speech

On behalf of the Zhenjiang Health Commission, Director Yang first expressed heartfelt congratulations to the smooth conduct of the signing ceremony, and expressed her sincere thanks to the Shanghai industry colleagues who have long been concerned about supporting the development of the spiritual health industry for Zhenjiang City for a long time!

He said that for a long time, Zhenjiang City has always been the key point and booster for accelerating the construction of the city's spiritual health center as the key point and booster to promote the development of the city's spiritual health. From the new site of the Zhenjiang Psychological Health Center in 2013 to 2019, it has jumped from a second -level psychiatric hospital to a third -level psychiatric hospital.

He hopes that in the future, the Zhenjiang Mental Health Center will actively use the resource advantages and brand effects of the Shanghai Mental Health Center to carry out all -round cooperation in medical, teaching, and research, and strive to create a number of regional key specialties, enhance the ability of difficult and severe diagnosis and clinical scientific research capabilities to enhance the diagnosis and treatment and clinical scientific research capabilities. Let the people of Zhenjiang enjoy first -class spiritual health services at their doorsteps.

He emphasized that the Zhenjiang Municipal Health Commission will continue to support the specialist construction and talent cultivation of the Zhenjiang Mental Health Center, and jointly entrust the new vision of the healthy life of the masses, and contribute a greater spiritual and sanitary force for the construction of the new Zhenjiang construction of modernization!

Zhao Min, Dean of the Shanghai Mental Health Center, and Cao Weidong, secretary of the Party Branch of Zhenjiang Mental Health Center, signed a contract with "cloud"

Finally, under the auspices of Director Yao Peifen, the Specialist Hospital Capacity Construction Symposium, Li Xia, director of the elderly psychiatric department of the Shanghai Mental Health Center, based on the theme of "SHAPE Models for the Prevention and Control of Cognitive Diseases", Zhang Changchun, Director of the Elderly Psychiatry of Zhenjiang Psychiatric Health Center With the theme of the "Implementation of Cognitive Disclosure Diagnosis and Treatment Center", wonderful academic exchanges are performed. The popularity of the entire cloud meeting continued to rise and achieved a good response.

Review: Pan Ruikai

Edit: Yu Mengmeng

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