During the late night of sudden gastrointestinal bleeding, Fenyang Hospital's multi -subject co

Author:Huanghe News Network Luliang C Time:2022.06.08

Dear leader of Fenyang Hospital of Shanxi Province:

My father suddenly spit a pot of blood in the early morning of May 20, 2022, and the family was sent to our Jiacheng County Hospital. Due to the serious condition, I don't know where to bleed. The medical staff of the county hospital escorted my father to Fenyang Hospital urgently.

When the ambulance walked to Fenyang apricot flower at 3:00 am, I remembered calling for the emergency department of Fenyang Hospital.

When he arrived at Fenyang Hospital at 3:20, Dr. Wang Yang on duty had been waiting at the door of the emergency department, and had notified the superior physician Wu Feng and the doctor of the digestive department and the involvement of the duty doctor! After everyone lifted my father from the car, several medical staff such as the emergency doctor Wang Yang and the nurse Hao Peipei quickly entered the intense rescue ...

During the digestive doctor Wu Wenshuai and the doctor of intervention duty doctors Li Gang also rushed to the emergency department consultation immediately. After they evaluated the condition with the emergency department Wu Feng and Dr. Wang Yang, they suggested that an emergency diagnosis endoscopic stop bleeding, and intervene in hemostasis if necessary.

There are no night shifts in the endoscopic room. If you want to stop bleeding under the emergency endoscopy, you need to notify the relevant doctors and nurses to the hospital. At this time, it was the middle of the night when people slept. Our family members were embarrassed by disturbing them in the middle of the night, but time was life, and they could only trouble them to come and treat them.

In the middle of the night, Director Wang Xueling, deputy director of Hou Qiuxia, Nurse Hao Yuanxin, and nurse of Nurse Yu Qiufeng had no complaints and rushed to the gastric room at the fastest speed! When his father was escorted by Wang Yang, Li Gang, Wu Wenshuai, and emergency department nurses to the gastroscopy room, the nurse of the support center had sent the well -equipped blood! We marvel at the close collaboration of various departments of Fenyang Hospital, and marvel at the spirit of the medical staff of Fenyang Hospital for the patients and dedication for the patients. They strive for time, and each link is intertwined to win the time to treat the treatment.

In the case of full blood transfusion and fluid, director Wang Xueling, Deputy Director Hou Qiuxia, Captain Hao Yuanxin, Nurse Yu Qiufeng and other endoscopes immediately checked the gastroscopy for my father. The cardia ulcer is sprayed with bleeding, and the amount of bleeding is large, the condition is critical, and it is urgent! Medical staff urgently stops bleeding under endoscopy. After 20 minutes of treatment, bleeding finally stopped!

The sky gradually brightened, the father's life signs gradually stabilized, and the doctors and nurses who worked hard for one night were relieved, watching the smiles that they were nervous and busy. Respect. They are worthy of saving the angels of the white -wounded white, deserve to be the outstanding representative of the century -old hospital in Fenyang Hospital. Here, our family has sincerely said to all the medical staff who participated in the treatment! Thanks to the leaders of Fenyang Hospital for training so many outstanding medical ethics and exquisite medical skills! Patient's family: Hua Pengran

Shanxi Fenyang Hospital

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