[Announcement] People's No. June vertical and regional influence rankings

Author:People's Corporation Time:2022.07.15

In June, the people continued to launch vertical and regional influence rankings, including national fire lists, national public security lists, national colleges and universities, and military, healthy, and scientific vertical lists, as well as Sichuan, Guangdong, Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hubei, Hubei Are you the name list on the list? Let's take a look together!

【National Fire List】

In June, the influence index of "Fujian Forest Fire" increased significantly this month, ranking first in the list. The animated science popularization video on typhoon heavy rain emergency guidelines, subway emergency knowledge, and family fire safety gained readers' love. "China Forest Fire" has released a series of high -quality manuscripts around the topic of strengthening military training and emergency rescue, ranking second in the list. "Xinjiang Forest Fire" launched a number of theme videos for the college entrance examination students, which records the "Flame Blue" love service to help the volunteer service warming the scene and successfully entered the list of this month.


【National Public Security List】

In June, the "Jiangsu Police" released multiple animation videos and micro -movies about anti -drug on the theme of international anti -drug days, and harvested readers' recognition and ranked first. "Police and the people together" opened the content column of the "Tribute to the Heroes of Public Security" to pay tribute to the hero. "Taizhou Public Security" launched high -quality content on college entrance examinations, high temperatures, and drug control, ranking third in the list. In addition, the "Huizhou Public Security" and "Hebei Traffic Police" issued by the mains issued by the main entrance examinations, the summer children's safety early warning reminder, etc. are loved by readers.


【National College List】

In June, "Zhejiang University" topped the list to maintain a high influence. On the occasion of graduating in June, "Wuhan University" gave graduates to the four seasons of the four seasons of the "Planet", and blessed the students who traveled to the distance like the future. "Shanghai University" and the colleges and colleges wrote a letter of entrustment and expectations for graduate students. The "University of Electronic Science and Technology" focuses on the breakthrough of scientific research and innovation, shows the style of the outstanding teachers and students of the university and the outstanding scientific research results, and the influence index continues to improve.


【Military Varling List】

In June, the "Southern theater" produced many high -quality manuscripts around important historical events, occupying the top of the list. For example, "Today in the History of the Army | The outbreak of the Civil War", while remembering history, shows the vigorous power of the army in the new era with a new look. The "Learning Legion" stably exported the authoritative content of a large number of military enthusiasts to military enthusiasts, ranking second this month. The "Baguang Defense" focuses on the daily incidents of military camps such as combat exercises, field training, and collective birthday clubs, and presents military life in all aspects.


【Healthy Vertical List】

In June, the "China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" ranked first, and released a number of science popularization content about the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, preventing heat stroke, and the health of monkey acne to build a barrier for the healthy life of residents. "Little Doctor Comics" is at the forefront of health science in health science in the form of comics. "Healthy China" shares a healthy diet around topics such as "children's health" and "food safety", and enters the top three lists. The main owners of the "Kenju Bureau", "Health", and "Shandong Disease Control" are relatively active, ranking among the top ten of the health list.


【Scientific Vertical List】

In June, "Science Popularization China" focused on authoritative science science in the fields of health, meteorology, psychology. "Why the vaccine hit the arm instead of the buttocks? 》 Related articles are widely praised by readers. "Explanation" carefully interprets hot topics such as "college entrance examination", "space life", "Sanxingdui treasure", and produces high -quality popular science videos, and has repeatedly appeared. In addition, the owners of "Curious Dr." and "amazing Chinese manufacturing" have successfully entered the scientific monthly list with high -quality content in the fields of aerospace, technology, life, and health.


【Sichuan Regional List】

In June, "Daily Economic News" and "Red Star News" updated information about current affairs, economy, and people's livelihood in a timely manner, and the influence ranked among the top two. "Sichuan Observation" follow -up of important people's livelihood measures such as the prevention and control information of the epidemic, urban planning and construction, and the development of cultural tourism. The video produced by "Chuanguan News" "When Samsung Dou meets a super moon!" "The latest universe single is here" is very creative and beautiful, and the readers have received praise. "Cover News" and "Chengdu Daily Jinguan" are planted, actively providing readers with comprehensive and grounded information information, and their performance is eye -catching.


【Guangdong Regional List】

In June, the "Guangzhou Daily" actively reported on the people's livelihood and social topics such as "Guangzhou's heavy rainfall" and "Guangzhou College Entrance Examination", which caused concern and discussions, and the influence ranked first. The "Shenzhen Evening News" followed closely behind, focusing on local medical insurance, transportation, and personal livelihood of the people's livelihood. The "21st Century Economic Herald" focuses on the latest information of the economic industry, produced a number of high -quality content, and ranked among the top three. "Jingbao", "straight news" and "Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng School" keenly captured regional news, and entered the list one after another.


【Hebei Regional List】

In June, "Great Wall Network" topped the list of Hebei, and launched the "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day | I am from Hebei, super cultural" creative rap new media products in combination with regional characteristics. The unique charm of cultural heritage. "Hebei News Network" interpreted the enrollment policy of Hebei University in a timely manner for college entrance examination students, and the ranking of this month has risen to the second. The "Hebei Daily" is at the forefront and its influence is stable, and it is committed to providing local readers with the latest developments in all -in -one fields. The "Shijiazhuang Daily Client" and "Handan News Network" focus on local new things and succeed in the list.


【Zhejiang Regional List】

In June, the "Voice of Zhejiang" followed up the dynamics of the regional development, and reported information about current politics, economy, and people's livelihood in a timely manner, ranking first in the list with its high -quality content. "Ningbo Evening News" is keenly captured regional news and has a better harvest. "Zhejiang Video Official Account" launched "A boat tells you: What changes have been changed here in the southern end of the Beijing -Hangzhou Grand Canal? 》 The theme video tells the change since the success of the Canal application. "This is Zhejiang!" "China Blue News"! "Creative blockbuster shows the unique style of Zhejiang. 【Jiangsu Regional List】


In June, "Litchi News" continued to output accurate current political and social life information for local readers, and maintained high influence. "Jiangsu Police" released various anti -fraud information to help readers improve their awareness of anti -fraud, ranking second in the list. "My Su" continued to work in content this month, and produced high -quality reports in the fields of health, law, society and other fields, and performed well. "Xinhua Daily", "SBS Warm Video", "Yangtze Evening News" and other owners have been updated active and continued on the list.

【Hubei Regional List】


In June, the "Yangtze River Daily" focused on providing high -quality and reliable news content. The short video "Inspirational" Blind Girl "graduated today, and the value -oriented value -oriented of a doctoral learning career will be positive, and readers praise. The "Hubei Release" creates exclusive high -quality content ranking second. "Jimu News" is based on the local area, looking at the whole country, capturing social hotspot content, and causing many netizens to watch. The Hubei owners such as "Three Gorges Radio and Television" and "Yangtze River Cloud" continued on the list with excellent content output.

Congratulations to the Lord of the List in this issue! The People's Platform will continue to launch more vertical and regional lists. Various types of owners are welcome to enter the People's Number. We look forward to more vertical number owners to continue to release original high -quality content and jointly promote the development of the platform!


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