Logistics guarantee and uninterrupted interview: open the "large arteries" unblocked "

Author:transportation Department Time:2022.06.14

Logistics is an important support for arteries and people's livelihood protection for the development of the national economy. In order to promote economic circulation and ensure the stability of the supply chain of the industrial chain. Some time ago, due to the epidemic and other reasons, land transportation in some areas was affected, freight logistics was not good, and some living and production materials were blocked on the road. In the face of these situations, relevant departments and localities take various measures in a timely manner to ensure that freight logistics, especially medical prevention and control materials, daily necessities, government reserve materials, postal express and other people's materials and agriculture, energy, raw materials and other important production materials Unblocked. What is the effect now?

After a day and two nights. On May 14, the truck driver Meng Guoquan pulled a car banana back to Hainan from Hainan. Along the way, he was very embarrassed. This has passed through the four provinces of Hainan, Guangxi, Shaanxi, and Henan. The health code of Meng Guoquan has become yellow, and because of rush, his nucleic acid has proved that it has exceeded 48 hours. In case of high speed, the banana of a car is troublesome.

According to the relevant provisions of Henan Province's epidemic prevention and control, if the health code and itinerary of the truck driver are green, and the nucleic acid results within 48 hours are negative. No matter which province, the nucleic acid detection can be released directly. There are also emergency plans for the results of yellow codes like Meng Guoquan and the results of the results of nucleic acids expired.

Wang Zhi, a staff member of the East Third Ring North Station of Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, said: "We can collect on -site, and the dual adoption of nucleic acids and antigen. As soon as the results are negative, we can first drop high -speed high -speed first high -speed speed. , Implement, pick, go, and chase. "

The so -called "pick, go, and chase" is that after the nucleic acid sample plus antigen detection, the trolley of the truck's antigen test is negative and immediately released, and the dynamic tracking is implemented. If the subsequent nucleic acid detection results are positive and immediately notify the implementation of control. Soon, the antigen of Meng Guoquan came out, which was negative, and he was relieved.

Behind the driver feels convenient and fast, it is an efficient logistics guarantee operation system built by Henan through digital empowerment. The total mileage of Henan Expressway is more than 7,200 kilometers, which is an important comprehensive transportation hub in the country. If Henan's highway transportation has "obstruction" due to the epidemic, it will even affect the logistics of the country. On April 10, the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism issued the "Notice on Doing a Benefits for Freakers and Logistics Preservation and Shutches". Henan immediately acted in action and the humanized treatment of health code and nucleic acid reports was to prevent "one -size -fits -all" The inconvenience caused by the practice.

Wu Kongjun, a member of the party group of the Henan Provincial Department of Transportation, said: "We sent an open letter to the truck driver to tell the driver what our policy was and what the regulations were. Complaints 12328. The provinces, cities and counties have established a three -level coordination mechanism, that is, the complaint, the connection, or the handling, and ensure that the driver can be solved at any time when the driver is not smooth. "

At the same time, in response to various cumbersome codes that lead to poor traffic through highway, Henan established a big data platform to enter the Henan reporting system and electronic passage of the vehicle to report background associations and information sharing. Pass mode. Persons' passenger personnel only need to scan the "place code" with their mobile phones, and they pop up the verification results page such as health code, stroke cards, and industry pass code, which greatly improves the speed of the pass at high speeds. Meng Guoquan drove the truck over the four provinces within 10 days, and the round -trip itinerary exceeded 5,000 kilometers. While enjoying the convenience of high -speed traffic, he also received real income.

Under such a management model, the truck driver started from entering the highway, as if entering a closed loop, which not only guarantees the efficiency of logistics, but also reduces the risk of epidemic transmission. However, in this way, the drivers are relatively expensive up and down at high speed, and the problem of solving and accommodation is a bit troublesome.

To solve this problem, Henan Xinxiang tried to provide free accommodation services to truck drivers. Drivers who need overnight demand can enter a free duty truck service center, driver's home and health monitoring hotels, as long as the free nucleic acid detection has passed the free nucleic acid detection, and enjoy the free accommodation services.

Providing free boarding services on the one hand provides convenience for truck drivers. On the other hand, it can also guide drivers to take the initiative to enter the closed loop of highway management, which is conducive to the prevention and control of the epidemic. For those truck drivers, all service areas in Henan have opened all domestic service areas for them to stay, and set up (returning) truck -specific service areas along the highway. At the end of May, Henan made adjustments based on the previous policy. The health code of the truck driver entering Henan no longer becomes yellow; for the policy of 20%of the high -speed toll fee for vehicles for white list companies, companies are encouraged to use more high -speed traffic.

The right medicine can open up the artery and unblock micro -circulation. After the targeted measures like Henan were introduced in various places, the national high -speed operation indicators were significantly better.

Compared with April 18, the traffic traffic of highway trucks rose by about 11.22%on June 1. Railway and highway freight volume increased by 5.63%and 9.52%, respectively, and basically returned to normal levels. The average daily business volume of the National Post Express has basically returned to the same period last year.

Wang Xian, deputy dean and chief engineer of the Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, said: "The road freight of the road must bear 75%of the total freight nationwide, which is the focus of logistics and keeping and keeping. The actual problem is very important. Actively promoting the implementation of the related policies such as ‘picking, going, chasing“ closed -loop management, vehicle passage, and driver ’s“ white list ”system can not only effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic, but also greatly improve the vehicle traffic. Speed. "In addition to crossing the blocking point, opening up new transportation channels is also another way to solve the poor road transportation under the epidemic.

Zhu Yuelai is mainly outdoor products in Yiwu International Trade City, and its products are exported to countries in Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States. Every April, it is the peak sales season of Yiwu small products. The exported goods need to be transported to the sea, but this section of land transportation from Yiwu to Zhoushan Port, Ningbo has become extremely unstable because of the new round of epidemic, which leads to Zhu Yuelai's cargo often missed the shipping period.

If you can't catch up with the ship's period, the merchants can only communicate with customers again and again to modify the delivery date of the order. For enterprises that provide international logistics for merchants, traffic and labor costs are facing greater losses due to the increase in van detour and the extension of the itinerary.

After learning about the problems faced by merchants and logistics companies, the special classes of Yiwu rescue in conjunction with the railway, customs, business bureau and other departments began to discuss solutions. According to discussions, it is believed that the use of railways instead of highways to form a model of sea -rail transportation may be a good choice. Because although the railway transportation has no highway flexibility, under the epidemic, the railway transportation class is fixed and the amount of transportation is large, and the contact of personnel is reduced. It is a more stable and reliable transportation method. Essence

In order to enhance the flexibility lack of railway transportation, the cargo stayed during the epidemic during the epidemic was transported out as soon as possible. The railway department and Yiwukang Group have formulated a special guarantee plan. The railway sector fixedly operates 3 trips to the sea railway transportation train of Yiwu to Ningbo Zhoushan Port.

At the same time, at the other end of the sea railway, the port has also adjusted the special circumstances under the epidemic. At the Ningbo Zhoushan Gangshan Railway Port Station, a row of sea and iron trains from Yiwu are undergoing loading and unloading operations. After unloading the hardware materials of 100 standard boxes and small products, the empty box return will be carried out immediately to provide enough for the next transportation to provide sufficient transportation. empty box. In order to improve the efficiency, the port has also increased the handling and unloading hands accordingly.

On the one hand, speed up the loading and unloading speed and improve the utilization rate of railway transportation. On the other hand, Ningbo Zhoushan Port strengthened the linkage with shipping enterprises. Through new routes, increasing the cabins, and adjusting air boxes, customers' goods can be transported out faster.

Under the two aspects of railways and ports, the efficiency of the sea railway transportation model is getting higher and higher, and more and more companies have begun to choose this model. At present, Ningbo Zhoushan Port has 21 sea railway transportation lines, and it is in a state of full load operation almost every day.

In addition to the shipping of the sea railway, the mode of the Haihai Lianyan also provides a great supplement for the logistics chain. Relying on the wealth of river resources in Zhejiang, water and land transportation with lower costs and larger freight is used to replace highways and railway transportation, and directly to the port, it also provides more choices for foreign trade enterprises.

Through the cooperation of a variety of models, the advantages of all parties use the advantages of all parties to change their ideas to open up new ways. This flexible and changeable approach has also achieved good results.

Since May, the nationwide port channel has remained unblocked, and its main production indicators have been steadily improved. In May, the country's key monitoring ports completed 1.03 billion tons of cargo throughput, an average daily increase of 3.2%month -on -month.

All localities take measures in a timely manner according to the actual situation to ensure smooth logistics. On the one hand, open up the blocking point and difficulty of land transportation, closed -loop management and strengthening services. On the other hand, strengthen the linkage of sea and high -rown linkage, change practices, improve efficiency, and increase capacity. At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Transport in May, the relevant person in charge introduced that the current logistics insurance and traffic guarantee generally obtained the stage of "problem dynamic dynamic clearing, smooth traffic networks, good operation indicators, and gradually reaching production in the hub". " Sexual effects are gradually changing from comprehensively opening up the arteries and basically unblocking microcirculation, to consolidate and expand the results of logistics and keeping the results, and promote the efficient operation of the industrial chain supply chain.

Source | CCTV News

Responsible editor | Fan Zijia

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