Graduate students free written test ... high -tech zone "cited talent" again to produce big moves

Author:Fuzhou Daily Time:2022.07.15

Fuzhou News Network, July 14 (Reporter Yan Xuehui Correspondent Hong Jianwen Wang Weina, Zheng Liminwen/Photo) At present, it is the "gold tide" of college graduates' job search interviews. On July 13, the official website of the Fuzhou High -tech Zone issued the announcement of the "Good Year, Gathering Fuzhou" Fuzhou High -tech Zone on the 2022 public recruitment authority hired staff. It is reported that there are many "high -paying" and "graduate -free written test" in this recruitment.

It is understood that this recruitment is the party and mass work department of the Fuzhou High -tech Zone publicly recruited 89 institutions to hire and control staff for the society. The relevant measures launched in the announcement are the measures after the "Extension of the Free Accommodation Period of Job Internships", and the Fuzhou High -tech Zone will Release the "Fuzhou sincerity" to talents again.

68 positions can be reported to a maximum annual salary of 180,000 yuan

The reporter learned that the 89 people hired in the announcement involved a total of 68 positions, covering comprehensive text and professional technical categories. In terms of post requirements, the age has also been relaxed to 45 years old, but high requirements for the political literacy of applicants are put forward. Among them, the limited conditions of 12 positions are "members of the Communist Party of China."

In terms of salary, a total of 7 grades are set up in this recruitment. Among them, senior employees have two grades, professional and technical employees have 3 grades, and general employees set up 2 grades. The annual salary of high -level professional titles or corresponding levels of professional titles or corresponding levels can reach 180,000 yuan/year. The general employment system takes the undergraduate as an example. The monthly salary after the righteousness is 3920 yuan, and the working -age salary increases with the working period. The salary level is better than most districts and counties in Fuzhou.

Introducing differentiated recruitment methods can be free of writing for graduate students

The announcement shows that the requirements for the "Comprehensive position 01 of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the National and Religious Affairs Bureau) of the Fuzhou High -tech Zone 01" is a master's degree, which meets the qualified "written test".

According to reports, this move is a high -quality talent who attracts high political quality and professional counterparts in the high -tech zone. Talent support.

Eliminate employment channels to recruit counterparts to help city candidates

It is reported that in 2016, Fuzhou City and Gansu Province established a poverty alleviation collaboration relationship, which helped settle the West City to win the battle against poverty. The high -tech zone specially deployed the "Fuzhou High -tech Zone Market Supervision and Administration Bureau (Intellectual Property Bureau) Administrative Examination and Approval Window" positions, and directed to recruit "Gansu Province Dingxi City Candidates".

The setting of this post is an important measure to implement the relevant work requirements of the "Qiangang Plan" in the high -tech zone to implement the "Qiangang Plan", build a transfer employment platform, and broaden the employment channels for labor transfer.

In recent years, the high -tech zone has paid close attention to the layout of the talent highland, continuously introduced the talent policy of innovation, and made every effort to do "lead, educate, reserve, and use" all life cycle talent ecological chains, promote the comprehensive of the talent chain and industrial chain, and innovation chain. In -depth integration, make every effort to promote the construction of first -class university cities, Southeast China (Fujian) Science City and Science and Technology Corridor.

The relevant information of this public recruitment passed the official website of Fuzhou High -tech Zone (, the Fujian Examination Registration Network ( and the WeChat public account "High -tech Party Group" " Published that candidates should pay attention to the relevant information of the website at any time. If the recruitment is affected because the relevant information is not paid in time, the candidates are responsible for the consequences. The contact information left by the candidates should be accurate and ensure that it is unobstructed during the recruitment period.

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