National Bureau of Statistics: In the second quarter

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.07.15

The National Bureau of Statistics released data on July 15. Preliminary accounting was that the GDP of 56264.2 billion yuan in the first half of the year was calculated at an unchanged price, a year -on -year increase of 2.5%. Among them, the GDP in the second quarter was 29246.4 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 0.4%.

"Since the beginning of this year, the international environment has become more complicated and severe. Domestic epidemic conditions have been emitted, which has been significantly increasing, and economic development has been extremely unusual. Excessive unexpected sudden impact has brought a significant impact. Fu Linghui, the director of the bureau's spokesman and the Director of the Comprehensive Statistics of the National Economic Economic, said at the press conference of the National New Office that day.

Fu Linghui said that in the face of continuous new downward pressure, the Party Central Committee and the State Council scientific decision -making, timely and decisive policies, insisting on not engaged in "big water", implementing the Central Economic Work Conference and the "Government Work Report" policy. In accordance with the clear overall ideas and policy orientation, the measures have launched a policies and measures to stabilize the economy, and the national television telephone meeting will be held to deploy the work of stabilizing the economic market, and the policy effect is rapid. The decline in the main economic indicators in May was narrowed, and the economic stabilization rose in June, and the economic realization was growing in the second quarter. (Reporter Wei Yukun, Wang Yueyang)

[Editor in charge: Wang Mengmeng]

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