Maoming Electric White: Active weaving a densely woven epidemic prevention and control "red defense line"

Author:Black Publishing Time:2022.07.15

Faced with the emergency situation of the "0708" Maoming City epidemic, party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels of Dianbai District heard the order and courage to fight for the prevention and control of the epidemic, and resolutely consolidated the hard -controlled prevention and control results.

Re -deploy and implement the current epidemic prevention and control work

Quick response, blowing the "assembly number". The Electric and White District Party Committee and the district government launched an emergency plan for preventing and controlling the epidemic in the first time and entered the state of combat reserve. Tan Jianfeng, Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chen Yan, deputy secretary of the district party committee and district chief, took the lead in investigating and supervising the two immune -related areas of the South China Sea and highlands. The epidemic prevention and control of the hook enterprise.

Tan Jianfeng, Secretary of the District Party Committee, took the lead in the front line of the epidemic prevention and control

The district epidemic prevention and control headquarters, 9 working groups, and 13 work classes continue to operate and efficiently operate, refine the emergency response mechanism, quickly incorporate 234 "0708" secret personnel in the jurisdiction and 310 sub -secrets into "System management, curbing the spread of epidemics from the source.

Fight in the battle to show "volunteer red". Electro -White District has established 2 epidemic prevention and control of temporary party committees and 56 temporary party branches. There are 1,500 echelons and 4,500 third echelons, and the "Guide to Volunteer Service of Party Members of Epidemium Prevention and Control" is formulated.

Nanhai Street nucleic acid detection site was issued at the "0708" epidemic

After the "0708" epidemic, the first echelon volunteer volunteer volunteers were selected overnight to support the large -scale nucleic acid testing of the two party -related streets in the South China Sea, and a total of 47,470 person -times were sampled. The test results were negative. At present, 26 normal nucleic acid detection points in the region and 7 "yellow code" area detection points in the urban area are selected as 33 "dots" and more than 350 party member volunteers.

According to the requirements of the Maoming City Prevention and Control Office, there are currently 7 medical centralized isolation points in the district, all of which are "dot" at the office cadres. "Hard core".

Schools such as Dianhai Middle School, Experimental Middle School, Dianbai Senior Middle School actively sent 197 volunteers to support the two centralized isolation points of Dianbaihua Affiliated and Dianbai Senior High School to do their best Work. At present, the state of the disease prevention and control of schools in the district is stable.

Electric Baihua is an isolation point, and medical staff do nucleic acid for teachers and students

Liang Ning, a party member of Dianhai Middle School, and 19 party members of the party, who took the initiative to invite the battle, responsible for the logistics support work of the Electric School Affiliated to the Dianbai District Huadshi.

The logistics support team of the isolation point

In order to ensure that the epidemic is not entered or occurred in all directions, the electric white area has effectively strengthened the "district -town (street) -village (community) -village (residence) group -resident group" In the first time, the Pingli War conversion mechanism was implemented, and 8989 grid staff in the district took the initiative to be a good epidemic investigator, combatant, propaganda, waiter, 185 "dual -registered" government agencies and institutions and institutions, and more than 7,000. On -the -job party members started the sinking "grid" with one button, supporting "big investigation" with "small grid", promoting "big prevention and control", and weaving density prevention of epidemic prevention safety barriers.

Party volunteers and grid staff discussed the work

The front -line supervision, the tree starts the "direction mark". The Electric and White District has effectively regarded the prevention and control of the epidemic as the "big test room" of deepening the style of work style and sharpening the party members and cadres, and promoted the party members and cadres in the region to quickly sink a line and charge ahead. From the district's "two office" inspection rooms, the organizational department of the district committee, and the work style office of the district committee to regulate the dry forces to form 5 inspection teams, in -depth grasp of the supervision and supervision of various towns (streets), key areas, and key industries to implement the epidemic prevention and control work When the problem was found, the problem was immediately urged and corrected, and the report was reported in a timely manner. The Organization Department of the District Party Committee strictly implemented the implementation of the "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Maoming Dianbai District to stimulate cadres and promote leading cadres to" be able to go up and down "(trial), and dynamically collect party members and cadres' responsibilities in the prevention and control of the epidemic, focusing on inspections and identification Party members and cadres mobilize and coordinate, emergency officer, and mass work. As an important basis for party members and cadres, they can promote or promotion of cadres who perform excellent cadres in the first -line work of the epidemic prevention and control.

(The picture is provided by the respondent)

【Correspondent】 Chen Aijun

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