[Typical Report of the Fifth Anniversary of the Implementation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Law ③] Guang'anmen Hospital: Be the first square of the Chinese Medicine Hospital

Author:State Administration of Tradit Time:2022.07.15

Content source: China Traditional Chinese Medicine Reporter: Li Na

In the five years since the implementation of the Chinese Medicine Law, the Guang'anmen Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine has continuously improved medical service capabilities and levels on the track of the rule of law-

As a national traditional Chinese medicine hospital, in recent years, the Guang'anmen Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine has continuously achieved leapfrog development under the leadership of the rule of law. Always ensure the quality and safety of medical care as the core, improve the level of medical services as the pursuit, and improve the patient's medical experience as the purpose. Guang'anmen Hospital, which is "adheres to patients as the center, starts from patient needs" is running out to improve medical service capabilities. Development acceleration.

More innovative

Solve the needs of patients with multiple levels and diverse medical needs

The Traditional Chinese Medicine Law pointed out that it adheres to the combination of inheritance and innovation, maintaining and exerting the characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine. Guang'anmen Hospital adheres to the spirit of the rule of law, continuously explores the diversified diagnosis and treatment model, continues to improve medical service capabilities, and meets the multi -level and diverse medical needs of patients.

"There is a nodule on the lungs, vicious or benign?" "Should I surgery?" "Will it deteriorate?" With the continuous improvement of Volkswagen's health consciousness, many problems discovered during the physical examination have become a problem of confusion of the people.

Today, such questions can eat a "reassurance" at Guang'anmen Hospital. On April 21, 2021, the anti -cancer clinic of Guang'anmen Hospital was officially opened. The clinic is the first Chinese medicine characteristic tumor prevention clinic established by cancer and tumor recurrence and metastasis in my country.

The team is formed by Hua Baojin, a well -known traditional Chinese medicine tumor expert of Guang'anmen Hospital. It is composed of tumor clinical, pathology, imaging, endoscopic diagnosis, epidemiology and other disciplines. A team of high -level multidisciplinary experts based on a doctorate.

Here, the "fire eyes" of many well -known experts can not only give professional judgments, but also pay attention to early signals, and timely adopt the correct Chinese medicine methods for early intervention, so that patients will no longer "talk about cancer color changes."

"I have an old acquaintance with our doctors and doctors in the anti -cancer clinic! They are particularly kind, and the suggestions given are very effective and benefit me a lot." Ms. Qin, a 64 -year -old patient, was deeply touched.

"I couldn't confirm the western medicine before, but there seemed to be a dark cloud floating on the top of the head every day. The body has been in a stable state.

In June of this year, a special consultation was held at Guang'anmen Hospital. Fibromycosticians combined diagnosis (MDT) team conducted the first multi -disciplinary consultation for patients with psychological symptoms as the main manifestations of fibromycles.

At the meeting, consulting experts carefully discussed from their respective specialists to formulate a comprehensive, specialized, standardized, and individualized multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment plan for patients, which made patients who were invalidated by multiple parties.

"You only need to make an appointment at a time, you can enjoy the" gospel "to patients with difficult diseases.

At present, the hospital has 7 more than 7 more discipline clinics and several special clinics including stroke and infertility. Multi -disciplinary outpatient services will greatly improve the utilization and accessibility of high -quality medical resources, and promote the high -quality development of outpatient services.


Building the cornerstone of medical quality and safety

"Medical quality and safety is the lifeline of hospital survival and development." Wu Huili, deputy director of the Medical Office of Guang'anmen Hospital, said that this is directly related to the health rights and interests of the people and the personal experience of medical services.

In recent years, under the guidance of the rule of law of the rule of law of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Law, Guang'anmen Hospital has always regarded the protection of medical quality and safety as the core, developed for the improvement of first aid and emergency capabilities, continuously strengthened emergency medical construction and improved emergency protection capabilities.

In January 2021, a unique "Traditional Chinese Medicine First Aid Big Combine" kicked off.

A total of 177 people and 78 teams from 28 doctors, nurses, graduate students, and residential students from 28 departments have performed a number of emergency first -aid for "single -person freehand cardiopulmonary reciprocating surgery", "defibrillation", "two -person bronchial intubation" and other emergency emergency emergency emergency emergency and first -aid. Professional skills competition.

After more than ten online and offline special training and intense tension, it has inspired everyone's enthusiasm for "learning skills" and "training technology".

"Emergency emergency ability is an important manifestation of the medical level of hospitals. Improvement of medical emergency levels is one of the important tasks to ensure the high -quality development of hospitals." Hu Yuan, the dean of the hospital, pointed out.

Every year, Guang'anmen Hospital will conduct emergency and emergency training courses on the backbone physicians, including "identification of critical illness", "diagnosis of chest pain and identification diagnosis", "the principle of hypoxia diagnostic ideas and treatment principles", etc. The ability to understand and deal with first aid knowledge.

At the same time, the hospital opens the AHA (American Heart Association) training center to facing the doctors, nurses, graduate students, and practitioners of clinical departments. Through AHA -based basic life support training courses, the success of rescue of patients in the hospital and the rescue of patients with severe critical illnesses in the whole hospital Rate to provide help.

The ability to improve and improve the emergency service capacity is highlighted, highlighting the accumulation of Guang'anmen Hospital in the "experience", and assume the original intention and responsibility of ensuring the health and life safety of the people.

In order to improve the emergency guarantee capacity, the hospital added the emergency plan of the nursing department, the equipment office, the adoption department, and the administrative department, and increased the backbone of the young and middle -aged business as the emergency medical player. The group, 30 articles of emergency plans at the hospital, and 26 emergency plans at the department level. As the most basic unit of hospital function, the foundation of hospital safety management is in the department. In recent years, Guang'anmen Hospital has organized senior training classes of the director of the department, focusing on the main points of the core system of medical quality and safety, so that the Director of the Department of Science and Technology further established its awareness of preventing medical accidents and ensuring medical safety responsible persons. "Safety valve", the spiritual guarantee of the rule of law guarantee the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

More convenient

Drop details to improve the patient's medical experience experience

As the vanguard of the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the strong medical resources of Guang'anmen Hospital are a "golden signboard", but the "No. 1 difficult to find" has also made many patients from all over the country.

Reasonable planning and allocation of traditional Chinese medicine service resources are the motivation to accelerate the development of the direction of the rule of law on the track of the rule of law.

In order to improve the registered problem, Guang'anmen Hospital provides patients with 10 ways including 6 platforms, including 10 types of registered channels. Since 2020, all sources of hospitals have realized online appointments.

"We reasonably set up the clinic, the clinic level, and the number of doctors from the diagnosis in the afternoon. At present, the number of doctors from the hospital is 1.07: 1 in the afternoon, and the source of the weekend accounts for 16.5%. The suspension rate is only 0.91%, "said Han Dongyan, director of the outpatient office of Guang'anmen Hospital.

In order to ensure the source of the number, Guang'anmen Hospital implemented a pre -payment mechanism, and extended the retreat time to "intimate" to 4:30 in the afternoon on the day of the clinic to avoid the patient forgotten the return number for special reasons. At the same time, the clinic reservation work is encouraged to ensure the continuity of patients with chronic diseases, and effectively improve the patient's medical experience.

Nowadays, sitting in the spacious and bright clinic hall, the hospital's implementation reservation and time -sharing period have allowed patients to say goodbye to the past "water leakage", improve the comfort of the medical treatment, and save a lot of time.

On June 2, 2020, Guang'anmen Hospital became the first Chinese medicine hospital in Beijing to launch "Internet+Traditional Chinese Medicine Features+Medical Insurance Diagnosis and Clearing Platform". On April 23, 2021, Guang'anmen Hospital successfully passed the review and became the first batch of Beijing in Beijing. Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital who passed the on -site review of the Internet Hospital.

Relying on the Internet, the strong medical resources of Guang'anmen Hospital have inserted flying wings and cracked the problem of "seeing a doctor". From Inner Mongolia to Shenzhen, from the coast to the Mainland, thousands of miles can pass high -quality Chinese medicine services to millions of households.

Behind the guarantee of medical quality is a group of people silently adhered to and paid. "We will hold a medical case every week to sort out the problems of the people's seeing a doctor." Wu Huili said.

For example, how to define children's nucleic acid time, and how to open green channels for emergency first -aid patients who have not stipulated kernel reports. At the meeting, the relevant personnel from the functional departments from sensing, medical insurance, medical cases, and quality control jointly discussed together to make efficient formulation plans to ensure that the people were medical treatment to seek medical treatment to the greatest extent.

"Now getting the medicine through the phone, you can deliver the goods at the door. It is really convenient to wait in line to wait for medicine." Uncle Wu who just came out of the hospital was very satisfied with this.

In recent years, the Ministry of Pharmacy has explored new formats and new businesses such as Internet medical care, express delivery, and health care, and has significantly shortened the waiting time of patients in the medicine collection link.

"From procurement, acceptance, storage, adjustment, prescriptions, decoction, and distribution, we strive to excel in each link." Jin Min, staff member of the Ministry of Pharmacy, said that the Ministry of Pharmacy has always been "required for purchase, selection of best selection, quality first in quality, quality first, first quality The principle of "ensure the timeliness and rationality of the supply of medicines, so that the people can use Chinese medicine with confidence.

Following the light of the rule of law, Guang'anmen Hospital has stepped out of a new road in the high -quality service of winning the "people's hearts"; the flow of the rule of law, Guang'anmen Hospital is constantly cultivating a wider life oasis.

Typical Report of the Fifth Anniversary of the Implementation of the Chinese Medicine Law ② Kangyuan Pharmaceutical: Playing innovative melody on the research and development of the main road

Edit: Dong Juntong

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