Copy the heavy rainfall Fuzhou to hear the "flood" and move

Author:Fuzhou News Network Time:2022.06.14

On the 14th, there were heavy rain in the city, and some counties and cities had heavy rain to heavy rain. On the 13th, the reporter learned from the city's urban water system arrangement center that in the past few days, Fuzhou took multiple measures to do his best to do a good job of defense sustainable rainstorm to ensure the safety of urban water.

The gates of the river along the river are "only out" and prepare for drainage. Reporter Chen Nuan Photo

The Municipal Meteorological Observatory reminded that while defense is strongly defensive in the near future, especially in the focus of secondary disasters such as floods, mudslides, and landslides, the public in risk areas should pay more attention to the hidden dangers around them, so as to achieve early and early transfer.

Meteorological Department:

Precipitation since June

It is nearly 2.5 times the same period of the year

On the 13th, Fuzhou was large -scale heavy precipitation, and the Municipal Meteorological Observatory issued repeated rainfall blue warnings and heavy rain yellow warnings. Rongcheng is rainy for a day, but the intensity is limited. The 12 -hour cumulative 12 hours of Wushan Meteorological Station is only about 24 mm. From the perspective of the city, the amount of rainfall and strong intensity of Fujian and Luo Yuan, and the multiple meteorological stations in Fujian and Qing dynasties exceeded 100 mm in 12 hours. Statistics show that the precipitation of Fuzhou City in May this year is nearly 50 % of the same period than the same period of the year. The precipitation since June is nearly 2.5 times the same period of the year.

Faced with the aggressive continuous rainstorm, on the 13th, the flood control departments at all levels held several video conferences to actively deploy responses. The flood prevention department proposes that on the basis of accurate forecasting and early warning, to prevent geological disasters strictly, to focus on defense, landslides, landslides, and mudslides, decisively organize transfer, expand the scope of transfer, and follow up and implement the transfer. On the evening of the 13th, the city's defense refers to the video conference on the city's defense sustainable rainstorm work, and once again deployed the flood prevention work.

According to the analysis of the provincial meteorological department, in recent days, the heavy precipitation process will still wander in our province, but the situation is gradually turning. It is expected that as the "deputy high" increases, it will affect the main water drop belt of our province. It will also gradually weaken, and the temperature in various places will also rise steadily.

Red -star drainage stations have always monitored water level changes. Reporter Chen Nuan Photo

Urban Water System Arrangement Joint Centers:

Mobile drainage ability

76,000 cubic meters per hour

"In the early stage, we consolidated the preparations before the rain, further strengthened communication with the meteorological department, analyzed and judged the rain, water conditions, and scheduled in advance." The staff of the Water System Joint Centers of the Municipal Urban District introduced that since the 12th, since the 12th, Fuzhou has pre -leaked pre -leaked lakes and water levels such as West Lake, Qinting Lake, Baima River, Jin'an River, Guangming Port, Liuhuaxi, Puxia River and other lakes.

Among them, the three water diversion pump stations such as Wenshanli, Xinxi River, and Hongtang have stopped ecological diversion at 10:30 on the 12th; the three reservoirs of Bayi, Dengyun, and Chanxi have been continuously hung to keep the water level on the overflowing road overflowing road. the following. The important water bodies such as Guangming Port, Qinting Lake, Jingdian Lake, West Lake, Liuhuaxi, Puxiahe and other urban areas have gradually reduced water levels and leaving the library capacity. The subsequent adjustment will be further adjusted according to the rainy forecast. All along the river gates station according to the scheduling of "only out of the way", free up the river database to cope with rainfall, and each river drainage unit along the river is prepared for drainage.

At the same time, mobile drainage facilities have been treated strictly, and they can be dispatched in time to deal with various types of water in the urban area. It is understood that at present, there are 26 large "dragon water" large -scale pumping equipment, 60 power stations, 33 high -rise pumps, and 21 submersible pumps in this city at this level. The total mobile drainage capacity is 76,000 cubic meters per hour. At the same time, 3 reservoirs, 15 drainage stations, 4 pump stations, and 34 water slurations in urban areas are safely operated, and they are prepared for drainage.

The Municipal Urban Water System Arrangement Center also actively arranges the drainage personnel to carry out a grid inspections and the on -duty work of the water -saving point, check the roadside drainage port, and clearly remove garbage miscellaneous objects such as fallen leaves in time to ensure smooth drainage. As of the 13th, 144 people in the Municipal Urban Water System Arrangement Center, 3 "Dragon Suck Water", 18 tool vehicles, and 24 power stations.

The reporter learned that since the launch of the urban drainage and waterlogging prevention and waterlogging -prevention -prevention -prevention -prevention levels on the 6th, until 12:00 on the 13th, the urban area has started the plan for 165 hours in a row.

"At present, traffic, passage channels, and important sensitive points of urban areas are normal, and there is no stagnant water. In the future, we will further enhance the equipment of the pavement personnel and ensure the travel of the people." The above -mentioned staff introduced.

Lianjiang Xiagong Clean up the dangerous situation and other dangers. Lianjiang County Photo Conference

Road transportation department:

Metro Line 5

Install 109 flood prevention baffle

In response to the continuous heavy rainfall appearing in Fuzhou, the Fuzhou road transportation department has adopted a number of measures to do its best to do a good job of flood control in the road transportation industry.

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