Enter the county seat to see development 丨 Korla City:

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.07.15

Tianshan.com reporter Ren Jiang Du Jianhui

Twani Abra, who grew up in Korla, had a dream -a wide and clear river flowed from the doorstep. At that time, there was no river in front of his house, and the Peacock River was still a few kilometers away. Nowadays, dreams come into reality, and Tuyhong River has become a passenger driver in the Swan River Scenic Area in Korla. Every day, he carrys citizens and tourists, and you can pass through the river on the city.

The Peacock River was originally a irrigated river that passed through the city. Now the extended Swan River, Hongyan River, Cuckoo River, and Bailu River four landscape rivers. Trees, moisturizing Licheng. In the past 10 years, Korla City has been moist because of water and has been interested in water.

River water nourish a city

The picture shows the city landscape taken on July 3. Korla City adheres to the strategy of ecological priority and green development. By carrying out the construction of garden greening and the improvement of ecological environment, coordinate the promotion of high -quality economic development, improve the urban living environment, and enhance the public happiness index. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhao Jing Photo

In July, Korla, the sky is blue and green, along the city, the water is in the city, the people are in the forest, and it is like being in the south of the river.

Wang Bin, general manager of Korla Land Shui Licheng Tourism Industry Development Co., Ltd., is a native of Korlas. He uses "rude" to describe the peacock river of childhood. "At that time, the Peacock River was an ordinary river. On both sides of the river, the children went down the river to play with water.

The elderly living in Korla still remembers another name of the Peacock River -the Clicci River. Because many people cleaning sheepskin and cowhide by the river a long time ago. Later, industrial enterprises were built by the river, and the production of sewage and domestic sewage was discharged into the peacock river, causing pollution. In the early 1990s, Korla began to strengthen the comprehensive rectification of water pollution in the Peacock River Basin and shut down companies along the coast.

In 2000, when the Peacock River ushered in the "winged and flesh" -the construction of the Peacock River Scenic Tourism Tourism was launched, artificially digging soil, depth of river channels, and reinforcement of rubber dams ... The city also became gentle and agile because of meandering.

In March 2012, the "Sanhe Tong" project was launched. The Peacock River, the Swan River, the Hongyan River, the Rhododendron River, and the Bailu River, the rivers are stringing the city and moisturizing the city. The city of Korla has become beautiful and bigger. The project was awarded the "Chinese House Environment Award" by the Ministry of Construction.

In the evening, Tuyi Hongjiang jumped around several yachts and skillfully debugged the engine. More than ten years ago, he was a rough village in the Tieki Township. At that time, the cruise wharf of the Swan River Scenic Area was a large village and Xiangli Garden. Now that his home is not far from this community, the location of the home has almost changed, but the environment is very different, and he has a stable job.

"Without water, there is no aura in the city." Li Chenggang, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Korla Municipal Party Committee of Bayin Guo Leng Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, said, "Create the 'water rhyme' Korla, so that Korla really becomes the" Pearl Pearl Pearl · Landshui Licheng ", even more livable It is better to travel. "

Bancheng Lihua Bancheng Water

At night, Licheng faded the hot summer heat, and the lights on both sides of the strait beating in the rippling river water.

At night, the breeze by the river came, cool and pleasant, full of green parks, wide squares, citizens who were resting everywhere. As long as they were free at night, Wang Bin would walk around the river. The best relaxation. "

The picture shows the city landscape taken on July 4. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhao Jing Photo

Slowly flowing through the urban river, constructing the skeleton of Korla city development. The urban water system network that runs through and cross -intersects gives urban landscape characteristics and cultural connotation, and creates urban living spaces that are coexisting and symbiotic in harmony between people and nature.

The urban river is a city landscape and the source of urban greening. "In recent years, we have focused on creating fan -shaped water systems such as the Peacock River, Cuckoo River, Swan River, Hongyan River, etc., and reasonably planned the central urban area corner green space and pocket parks. The ecosystem, the coverage of urban greening is 43.4%, forming the urban landscape of the "half -city Lihua Bancheng Water". "Li Chenggang said.

This year, some parts of the river are building a hydrophilic platform. Wang Bin's Kurla Landwater Lishan Licheng Company is planning to build a riverside square to build a youth kayak base and water park.

In the Spring Festival of 2008, the swan flew to the Peacock River, where it was overwinter. This is the case every year, with at most more than 600, and there are countless various water birds. Nowadays, the swan can be seen dancing in the bustling city, which has become the brightest scenery of the peacock river in winter, and it is the pride of the Korlas.

City is better due to water saving

The picture shows the city landscape taken on July 3. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhao Jing Photo

At the end of June, the lotus of the Rizhua River Ecological Wetland Park bloomed, adding a lot to the summer of Licheng, attracting many citizens and tourists.

The ecological water of the wetland park comes from Korla Long Runshui Treatment Co., Ltd. At present, the company's average daily processing of sewage is 50,000 tons, and the peak period can reach 60,000 tons. The treated water quality has reached relevant national standards and is mainly used for urban greening. "Previously, the Dujuan River Ecological Wetland Park and the company were surrounded by wasteland. With irrigation water, they now become green and wetlands." Teng Guobao, the company's operating director, said, "After the sewage treatment is treated, it can save a lot of Peacock River water. , Can better moisturize cities and ensure water and agriculture water. "The city of Korla, which is flourishing by water, is now changing due to water saving. "In the first quarter of this year, the groundwater level in our city rose 0.65 meters, and the use of surface water was effectively improved." Li Chenggang said.

0.65 meters of groundwater gathered from many aspects: adjusting the agricultural industry structure, promoting water planting, massive water production, and guiding farmers to transform planting habits; promoting the method of saving water saving in animal husbandry, and implementing 57 large -scale farm water saving water saving Reconstruction and construction; while the petroleum petrochemical extension chain replenish chain, we actively develop the second water source, and encourage enterprises to adopt Zhongshui that meets production standards ...

"We will adhere to the use of water and water production with water, strengthen the design of the top layer of water -saving, strengthen the rigid constraints of water resources, and improve the total amount of water use and water intensity control index system, continue to promote agricultural water saving and efficiency, industrial water saving reduction, reduction Creed, promote intensive water resources and use, so as to make ecological benefits and economic benefits complement each other. "Li Chenggang said that at present, Korla is actively promoting the creation of water -saving cities.

Licheng, which is livable and suitable for traveling, has become a place where citizens attach. The 70 -year -old Tang Ming has been in Korla from Nanyang, Henan for nearly 50 years. He has to beside the river every morning and evening.

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