Fully promote the construction of the Civilization Practice Center in the New Era

Author:Zhanjiang Published Time:2022.07.15

On the afternoon of July 14, the city organized a listening to the province's expansion of the construction of the new era civilization practice center construction work.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to conscientiously study and understand the construction of the province to expand the new era of civilized practice center to promote the spirit of the TV phone conference, and to implement it and implement it. To improve awareness, further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, and grasp the construction of the civilized practice center in the new era. It is necessary to clarify the goals and tasks, solidly promote the construction of the civilized practice center of our city, ensure that the "first -hander" project must be implemented, the target tasks must be in place, the benchmarking table must be in place, the volunteer team construction must be in place, and serving the masses must be in place.

The meeting requested that relevant departments at all levels in the city must conscientiously implement the relevant documents of the Central, Provincial Party Committee, and Municipal Party Committee on expanding the implementation plan of the construction of the new era of the new era. The construction of the Civilization Practice Center in the new era, go all out to ensure that the mid -year and the end of the year passed the province's random inspection and acceptance. The county (city, district) as a whole should promote the construction of the civilized practice center (institute, station) in the new era from pilot exploration to comprehensive development, from pilot counties (cities, districts) to the city's administrative district. Each county (city, district) must ensure that before December this year, in accordance with the "five" standards (there are places, teams, activities, projects, and mechanisms), counties (cities, districts) have established a new era of civilization practice in the new era In the center, the township (street) under its jurisdiction all establish a new era of civilized practice and administrative villages (communities) in the new era.

It is understood that the city has 1913 civilized practice centers (institutes, stations) in the new era, and basically achieves full coverage of the construction of the civilized practice center (institute, station) of the new era in the city. Next, our city will continue to establish and improve the operating mechanism of civilized practice, strengthen the construction of a volunteer service team of civilized practice, and create a civilized practice volunteer service project with accurate docking the masses, forming "ordering orders, dispatch orders, receiving orders, and evaluation" penetration. The working model promotes the construction of the civilized practice center in the new era to continuously improve its quality and expand, and upgrade the file.

Source: Zhanjiang Daily

Text: Reporter He Youfeng Correspondent He Ping

Editor: Huang Jingming, an intern of Xixin

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