Implementation of the "cell construction" of the grass -roots food security office, Panzhihua City, the microcirculation of food safety governance

Author:Tianfuji City Time:2022.07.15

Since the beginning of this year, Panzhihua City has implemented the "cell construction" of the grass -roots food security office in an all -round way, formulated and introduced the "Implementation Plan for the Standardized Construction of the Office of the grass -roots Food Safety Committee", and focused on the realization of "two -net integration", compacting "five -dimensional supervision", promoting "account diagrams" "Model", highlight the "six strengthening" and other requirements, standardize the organizational structure, and propose 30 standards, township (street) food safety office "15 one" standard for the county (district) food safety office to unblock the "microcirculation of micro -circulation of grass -roots food safety governance "".

Realize the "two network integration". By integrating the two grids of "Food Safety Supervision Network+grassroots social governance network", each grid is equipped with at least one full -time grid person, implemented full -time management, implemented wages, formulated the "Municipal Social Governance Modern Works Members of Food Food "Safety task list", focusing on the five major responsibilities of food safety such as coordination and coordination, hidden dangers, information reports, assistance to law enforcement, and publicity and education, and clarify 32 specific tasks of grid staff. Up to now, the city has set up 796 grass -roots governance grid members to investigate 8588 hidden dangers of food risks, which effectively makes up for the current situation of the lack of grass -roots food safety supervision. Essence

Correct the "Five Ding Supervision". Based on the standardized construction of townships (streets) and villages (communities) food security offices, build a "four members" grid supervision system at the grass -roots food safety "four members", that is, at least one full -time or part -time food safety administrator (street) in various townships (streets) As the director of the township and street food security office), a propagandist (full -time townships, street propaganda cadres), each administrative village (community) is equipped with a associate manager (village committee and community neighborhood committee director), 1 Famous information officers (village committees, community neighborhood committees or health officers). Food safety supervision grids at all levels in accordance with the "five -fixed supervision", that is, regional, targets, duties, personnel, and reward and punishment requirements, clarify work responsibilities, form a partitioned film, contribute to the responsibility, horizontal to edge, vertical, and vertical to the end. The food safety grass -roots governance network, with the standardized food safety office as the main position, promotes the tentacles of food safety supervision to extend to the front end, and achieve continuous innovation of grass -roots food safety governance methods.

Promote the "account chart mode". Taking the full -time grid team as the main force, strengthen the gradual improvement of food safety supervision capabilities, and implement the "one account, one picture, one handbook and six systems", that is, establish a supervision object account, formulate grid responsibility charts, prepare government affairs manuals, establish and improve collaboration collaboration Cooperate with, training, education, information interoperability, inspection and assessment, accountability, and other systems based on the grid operating mechanism. Each grid staff is responsible for daily inspections of food safety in the grid, and comprehensively grasp the number of food production and operation units, basic conditions, and dynamic changes in the area under its jurisdiction; find out the prominent problems that affect food safety in the grid, and timely find various problems and various problems and various problems and Sew; establish daily inspections, rural collective dinner declaration filing and management, as well as special rectification and joint law enforcement ledger.

Highlight the "six enhancements". That is, strengthen coordination and coordination, strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen responsibility implementation, strengthen work mechanism, strengthen innovation and excellent, strengthen team building, build a grass -roots food safety coordination system with "responsibility in place, improvement of system, strong protection, and efficient operation", and give full play to the grassroots level The "assistant" of the Food Safety Office "grasped" and "grasped", coordinated and supervised and evaluated the development of food safety work, and stimulated the enthusiasm and initiative of townships (streets) and villages (communities) to do key food safety work. At the same time, integrate the existing grass -roots platforms such as the modern remote education center of grassroots party members and cadres, the new era of civilization practice centers (institutes, stations), volunteer service centers, consumer rights protection centers, and social workers' stations. Community) Establish a food safety science popular science propaganda station (point) with the theme of "creating a national food safety demonstration city to protect the masses' tongue" to increase health food, wild bacteria, toxic Chinese medicinal materials, alcohol -based fuels, bulk liquor Waiting for the publicity of science popularization knowledge, continuously enhance the people's sense of happiness, gain, and security.

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