Hot and hot!At least 8 people in Quanzhou have been diagnosed with fever!Why is it so hot and how long is it?

Author:Quanzhou Evening News Time:2022.07.15

"Outdoor charging for 5 minutes and 2 hours of heat dissipation in the house." High temperature for the day, making heat is not only uncomfortable. Recently, the reporter learned from the Quanzhou First Hospital Affiliated to Fujian Medical University, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, and the 910 Hospital of the PLA. For fever. The doctor introduced that thermal radiation disease is the worst heat stroke. The high temperature in the body will cause multiple organs failure and nervous system disorders, leading to death. A few days ago, a seventy -old man died unfortunately due to fever. Quanzhou First Hospital's high -temperature thermal radiation ward high -temperature and high humidity environment in high temperature and high humidity environment in high temperature and high humidity environment, those with weak or chronic diseases, infants and young children are high -risk people. In response, doctors reminded that the mortality rate of thermal irritation is as high as 70%-80%. Citizens should pay attention to avoiding outdoor activities during high temperature hours. The focus is to avoid replenishing moisture and electrolytes in a timely manner in a closed high temperature environment. At the 910th Hospital, the nurse is taking care of Mr. Wang, who is suffering from fever. I heard that the hot springs can cure skin diseases Seventy -seldom in the hot springs at the beginning of this month. A seventy -year -old man in the urban area heard that hot springs can cure skin diseases, so they deliberately went to the hot spring. Unexpectedly, for a while, the people around found that there was a person floating on the hot spring water. When I approached, I found that it was an old man and had lost consciousness. After being sent to the hospital, the doctor found that the temperature of the elderly was as high as 42 degrees, and the liver and kidney failure were still exhausted. After more than ten days of rescue in the intensive room, they still died unfortunately. "After entering July, the department has been diagnosed with 4 patients with fever patients. At present, there is another person who rescued in the intensive care unit." Yan Hong, chief physician of the emergency department of the Chengdong Hospital of Quanzhou First Hospital, introduced it. Because the level of physical fitness of the elderly is far less than young people, the treatment effect is not as good as young people. The patients who are still hospitalized are a 21 -year -old young guy who works in the iron house at the construction site. After the sun is exposed to the sun, the temperature is extremely high. Essence When it was sent to the hospital, the doctor found that the patient also had 42 degrees of high fever, and the symptoms of many organs also had the symptoms of failure. Fortunately, the patient is younger and the prognosis is good. At present, the patient has become dangerous. The man temperature of men who worked in the outdoor high -temperature workplace for 6 hours soared to 41.2 ° C. Mr. Wang, who lives in Nan'an, is 31 years old and has been engaged in cake baking for a long time. Recently, Mr. Wang worked in a bread room as usual. After 6 hours in the high temperature and sultry environment, Mr. Wang suddenly fainted, his face pale, short of breathing, and twitching with limbs. The worker immediately sent him to the local hospital for treatment. At that time, Mr. Wang's body temperature had reached 41.2 ° C, and the situation was critical. As a result, it was urgently transferred to the 910 Hospital for further treatment. When he was delivered to the hospital, Mr. Wang had been in a state of deep coma, and his life was hanging. The hospital for intensive illness immediately formed a rescue team to formulate a rescue plan for patients. After a series of rapid cooling, liquid replenishment, shock, improvement of coagulation function, and stable internal environment, Mr. Wang gradually became clear. At the same time, in order to prevent patients from forming thrombosis, medical staff encouraged patients to exercise more. After several consecutive days of careful treatment, Mr. Wang gradually recovered. Outdoor high -temperature operation cement workers fainted after being sent to the hospital for a long organs, who was overpashed and overpashed. Recently, Lao Teng, who was moving the cement, suddenly fainted. After discovering, the workers immediately sent it to the local hospital for treatment. After diagnosis, Lao Teng was diagnosed with fever. Because Lao Teng's body temperature was as high as 40.2 ° C. The conditions are limited. Under the suggestion of the local doctor, Lao Teng was urgently transferred to Quanzhou No. 910 Hospital for further treatment. Outdoor high temperature operation "When he saw the patient at the time, he was all cement ash all over his body. After inspection, we found that his platelets were rapidly decreased, the coagulation function was poor, and multiple organs on the body also failed." Lu Shenggui, a doctor of intensive medical medicine, introduced that the department immediately opened the green channel to formulate a rescue plan for patients. After a week of treatment, Lao Teng was able to recover to discharge. Related news confirmed in many places to diagnose thermal radiation disease and cause death cases for the "high temperature incident" for more than 30 days? As of July 12, the "high temperature incident" has lasted for 30 days, covering a land area of ​​50.21 million square kilometers, which affects the population of exceeding 900 million. This is the news from the reporter from the National Climate Center. Since June 13, my country's first regional high -temperature weather process has emerged in China. It has a wide range, long duration, strong extremes, and great impact. According to reports, many people in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other places have diagnosed heat -irritation and death cases have occurred. How much is the high -temperature daily distribution map of the national high temperature day? The monitoring of the most national climate centers in the same period since 1961 shows that since June (as of July 12), the average number of high temperatures in my country is 5.3 days, which is 2.4 days than the same period of the year, the same period since 1961. Specifically, southern Shaanxi, Henan, southern Henan, southern Hebei, central Shandong and west, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, central and northern and northern, Chongqing, central Xinjiang, southern and western Inner Mongolia and other high temperature days reached 10-20 days.

Among them, the eastern and southern parts of Henan, northern Anhui, northwestern Hubei, and southeastern Xinjiang have exceeded 20 days. Shenqiu (31 days), Xiangcheng (30 days), Shaanxi Huaxian (31 days) and Xinjiang Yishan (36 days) and other high temperature days have exceeded 30 days, and Turpan and Tocoson in Xinjiang for 42 days. Compared with the same period of the same year, high temperature days in the above areas are generally 5-10 days, of which most of Henan, northern Hubei, southeast Shaanxi, central Anhui and north, southern Shandong, northwest of Jiangsu have more than 10 days. How wide is the range? As of 71 national meteorological stations, as of now, the highest temperature of 71 national meteorological stations in the country breaks through the historical pole, of which Hebei Lingshou (44.2 ° C), Tancheng (44.1 ° C), Zhengding (44.0 ° C) and Yunnan The daily maximum temperature of Yanjin (44.0 ° C) is above 44 ° C. The reporter learned that since the 21st century, the typical years of my country's large -scale continuous high temperature incidents include 2003, 2013, 2017, etc. Generally speaking, this year's high temperature incident started as early as the above 3 years, and the number of duration and historical extreme stations was not as good as these 3 years. Although the scope and the highest temperature in the single station were not as good as 2017, it exceeded 2003 and in 2003 and year 2013. Why is it so hot? Listening to how meteorological experts say meteorological experts point out that the continuous La Nina incident has provided an important climate background condition for the development of high temperature in the south since June. Especially in July, the development of heating and high pressure bands in the middle latitude was strengthened, resulting in large -scale high temperature weather. Essence According to statistics, in the summer of most La Nina incidents, the Western Pacific subtropical high -pressure (referred to as auxiliary high) was easy to north. Since late June, the deputy high north, especially the typhoon "Siaba" in early July, the deputy high enhanced the west extension, Iran's high pressure east, and combined with the high pressure of the mid -latitude continent. High -pressure bands, which causes large -scale high -temperature weather. In addition, the water vapor carried by the auxiliary high causes a greater humidity in the central and eastern regions, making the body feel higher. How long does it take to get hot? Take a look at the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, in the next 14 days (July 13th to July 26th), there are high temperature weather in Jiangnan, South China and other places. On 13-16, there were high temperature and rainy weather in the Sichuan Basin, Guanzhong, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, Jiangnan, South China, etc., and the highest temperature was generally 35-38 ° C and local 39 ° C. From 17-20, the rainfall process will occur in the Sichuan Basin, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jianghuai, Jiangnan and northern parts of the northwestern part of South China. High temperature weather can be relieved, and high temperatures in the southeast of Jiangnan and eastern South China will continue. After the 21st, the high temperature in the south will develop again. The highest temperature in Fujian, Jiangxi, and southern Zhejiang can reach 39-41 ° C. What impact will be? The National Climate Center reminds to prevent high temperature and heat waves. It is understood that due to high temperature weather, since June 13, 7 provincial -level power grids including Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and Xinjiang have reached a record high. Due to the low temperature and rain, the soil sentimental deviations of the soil in eastern Zhejiang, western Henan, southern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, northern Sichuan, etc., and the drought in some areas continued or developed. Since July, many people in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places have been diagnosed with fever, and there have been death cases. The National Climate Center expects that from July 27th to August 11th, the temperature in most areas in my country is higher than the same period of the same year. Northern Hunan, Chongqing, eastern Sichuan, northern Guizhou, Tibet, south of Shaanxi, northern Xinjiang and other places are 1-2 ° C. It is necessary to prevent the adverse effects of high -temperature heat waves on production and life and power supply. Source: Quanzhou Evening News Agency Comprehensive cover news Weibo Reporter: Su Kaifang, Chen Linghong, Zhuang Lixiang Correspondent: Wan Xinyu, Lin Chunlan editor: Chen Tianman

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Experts of "thermal irritation" in summer are easy to occur in prevention and treatment measures

In the past few days, high temperatures in the south have continued to be high. The heat waves are coming, and many people have diagnosed thermal radiation disease in many places. What is fever? What