Elderly people with collectibles!The purchase price is 10 times, and the Chengdu fraud gangs have more than 50 million wealth.

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.07.14

On July 13, a fraud case involved in the case was more than 50 million. As the 23 defendants were brought to the court by the bailiff, dozens of white -haired old people got up from the seat.

The Red Star reporter learned from the Procuratorate that this group of "young organizations" led by Li Li, with the main sales targets of the elderly, selling more than 60 kinds of collectibles such as "Shengshi Naskins", "Extreme Priced Gold Banknotes", "Han Modan Qing" Memorial coins. Driven by the benefits of money, the purchase price of more than 1,000 yuan has been turned 10 times, selling at a price of 10,000 or 20,000, and the monthly income of the salesperson can even be as high as more than 100,000 yuan. According to statistics, the amount of more than 500 victims ranged from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and the amount involved was as high as 50 million yuan.

Among the deceived elderly, there are many high -Zhi Zhi, such as retired teachers. Some elderly people have "wives away from their wives", and their lives are miserable in their later years. How did they design a trap and deceive the elderly step by step? The Red Star News passed the case to review the entire deception process.

Taking the collection value, fast appreciation as the bait

The old man drill into the collection circle

Early in the morning on July 13, the elderly from all over Chengdu were waiting in front of the Wuhou District Court early. They moved slowly until the trial, and the elderly were supported by their families.

Outside the court, an old man who was originally calm was asked by the deception, and he suddenly became excited. From being deceived to now, six or seven years have passed. She didn't want to return a penny. Her son asked her to sit aside to rest, but when he remembered his mother's encounter, he couldn't restrain his excitement.

▲ Court of trial site

Unlike others, Uncle Peng seemed to be calm in the court. Facing the Red Star journalist, he slowly said his deception experience. He said that he could have enjoyed his retirement life, but because of being deceived, his "wife is away", his relationship with his family has dropped to the freezing point, and he also carried more than 100,000 debts.

In June 2015, he was stopped by a young guy in Yinshi Plaza, and the other party handed him a leaflet. "It is said that there is cultural propaganda on it, let's go to the 14th floor of Yinshi Guangfang, the family There are many elderly people in the collection company, and the staff is showing them the collection.

▲ Uncle Peng, one of the victims

In order to prove the "true qualifications" of these collections, notarization, contracts, and "red -headed documents" were also shown. But Uncle Peng recalled that no one bought the scene at the time.

▲ In order to deceive the trust, the company presented to the victim

On the second day, a business manager named Li invited him again. After many lobbying, he came to the office building again. Uncle Peng said that at that time, Li took out a collection of collectibles called "out of print money" to recommend him to buy a collection. When he questioned the collectibles, Li assured him, "Uncle, rest assured, I am a college student, I am a college student , My parents have worked hard to cultivate me. I cannot sell them. Although (these money) is not circulating now, you collect it, understand Chinese culture, and leave it to the children and grandchildren. With two grandsons, Uncle Peng bought two sets, a set of 13,800 yuan.

▲ In order to deceive the trust, the company presented to the victim

Then, the "trap" followed. After a while, Li invited Uncle Peng to a collection auction. At the auction site, Uncle Peng saw his own "out -of -print gold banknotes" that he had bought 13,800 yuan to be auctioned to 20,000 to 30,000. He thought he appreciated so soon. He was pleased. But he also knew many years later that the auctioners at the scene were all fake.

▲ Collection purchased by the victims

After the auction, Liu Moumou, another business manager, whispered that the company stipulated that his employees could not buy (collectibles), and hoped to quietly help buy 10 sets in his name. Uncle Peng agreed.

Liu Moumou transferred to Uncle Peng. After Uncle Peng paid on the spot, he dragged 10 collections into the elevator and gave it to the other party in the underground parking lot. I know, otherwise it will be gone. "

"Is there really a collection value?" After participating in the auction, this problem has been lingering on Uncle Peng's heart.一周后,正当他犹豫之时,刘某某的电话又打了进来,“藏品不多了哦,要不要买几套收藏起来?”当即,彭大爷便花了十多万下单买了9 After the purchase amount reaches 200,000, Uncle Peng has become a "provincial member" with 3 stars. According to him, ordinary members will pay 20%of the tax after participating in the auction, while the provincial members only need to pay 8%after the auction of the auction of the auction. Essence

▲ Collection purchased by the victims

The money almost spent Uncle Peng's life savings. "Do you want to be a national member?" Liu Moumou told him again that after becoming a national member, auctions from all over the country can participate. 300,000. "Thinking of the value of the collection, Uncle Peng was tempted again. He borrowed 130,000 in friends and bought a number of" World Fortune "and" World Banknotes "with a price of 14,800 yuan and 19,800 yuan.

"How can this be fake?"

The retransmit was deceived and experienced: the red -headed file confused him

In June 2016, after becoming a national member, the business manager gave Uncle Peng a "4 -star VIP card" with a yellow printed with Xianglong, but the national auction of the opponent's verbally promised. One notification. He did not take this matter, "thinking about living in this world, things are here, there is no problem." It was found that he was deceived in August 2017. Uncle Peng, who had just returned from Yunnan, accepted The news of the group friends who bought collectibles with him at the store, "You know that something happened. Rest assured, as long as I am there, I can handle ', but as soon as I finish, he shut down and can't contact it anymore. "He immediately arrived in the company and found that someone had already gone to the building. He has counted that since 2015, he has bought four times a year, spending more than 340,000 yuan.

▲ Collection purchased by the victims

In the next few years, Uncle Peng has been running for this matter, and more than 100 people who have been cheated in and out of the police station, public security bureau, and court, hoping to recover his "old -age money". Why do you be deceived? He believes that the documents they presented are too confusing except that they have not raised their awareness.

The 69 -year -old Uncle Peng had more than 3,700 yuan a month before that, and his life was too comfortable. After the incident, his wife separated from him. His daughter also felt that he couldn't help it, so he had a suspicion. In addition to the savings of decades, he has now carried more than 100,000 debts. He will pay 20,000 yuan from the pension every month to pay for more than 1,000 yuan. He never thought that his elderly life would be so desolate. Now he said his deception experience, and he also hoped that there would be no longer the elderly to be deceived.

▲ Collection purchased by the victims

The person involved is almost all "post -90s"

556 victims, the amount involved in the case reached more than 50 million

At the trial site, it was mentioned in the supplementary prosecution decision issued by the Procuratorate of Wuhou District. From February to July 2016, the defendant Li Li hired 22 people in Sichuan Jinboya Collection Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Impression Rongcheng Culture Communication Co., Ltd. For many companies, more than 60 kinds of collectibles and commemorative coins including "China Commemorative Silver Banknotes" are acquired at low prices, and sales personnel at all levels are sold at high prices. It is required to use middle -aged and elderly people as the main sales target, advocating commemorative coins and collectibles with high appreciation potential and collection value. It promises that the company will auction high -priced collectors and signed the "Pre -Auction Audit Form for Southwest Area" with the victims. Hong Kong Liangbao Building auction company auction. At the same time, sales staff also bought from the company's borrowing to help the victims on behalf of the victims to create the illusion of product supply. In order to increase sales, Li and others declared to customers that silver banknotes were all "real banknote" issued by the People's Bank of China. After successful sales, the sales staff sold the actual amount of 1,500 yuan per set. According to Li Li at the trial site, products with a purchase price of more than 1,000 yuan were eventually sold for 10,000 yuan, and the sales staff's basic salary was about 2,000. In addition to commission and bonuses, the monthly income of salespersons with good performance could reach more than 100,000 yuan.

▲ In order to deceive the trust, the company presented to the victim

At the court site, Li Li argued that they were not fraud, but the company was not operating well, and it was informed that the customers had risks in the sales bills. Red Star reporters saw at the scene that after hearing these remarks, Uncle Peng, who was originally calm, was like other elderly people, and his emotions were a little out of control. Standing outside the door, he said loudly: "She is lying!"

Red Star reporter learned that in this fraud case, except for the boss Li Li was born in 1978, the remaining people involved were almost all "post -90s", and some were even born in 1997. During the fraud, it was even less than 20 years old. Red Star reporters also noticed that their cultural level is generally not high.

After the judicial audit, many companies under Li Li involved the fraud case, and a total of 556 victims purchased collectibles and commemorative coins through CICC, Jaca and other companies. A victim got a refund.

It is understood that the case is currently under further trial and will be sentenced recently.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Ling Photography Report


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