The old man who was pickled up for the soup: "The son has been paralyzed for 11 years, and wants to take it back to eat him"

Author:Beijing News Time:2022.07.14

On July 14, a staff member of the Licun Street Office of Licang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province told the Beijing News that the community had helped the family apply for subsidies many times, and will continue to pay attention to the living conditions of the elderly and their families.

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Beijing News reporter Xiong Lixin intern Su Lei Cui Jian school against Li Lijun

"Is there any leftover mutton soup? The son has been paralyzed for 11 years and wants to take it back for him." On July 13th, a video of "Qingdao picking up the elderly in Qingdao asked the dining shop for lamb soup" was spread on the Internet. Numerous netizens "broke the defense" for this mother's love. While the owner of Zanzan was warm, he also felt worried about the family situation of the elderly.

In the video, the old man quietly asked the shopkeeper, "Is there any leftover mutton soup?" The interviewee confessed the picture

On July 14, the owner of the restaurant who released related videos told the Beijing News reporter that after the video was released, a large number of netizens contacted him, hoping to order and donate for the elderly; there were also enthusiastic local citizens to send life materials and asked him to transfer it to the elderly. Essence

On the same day, a staff member of the Licun Street Office of Licang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province told reporters that after receiving the news, the relevant departments had visited the elderly's residence. Earlier, the community also helped the family to apply for subsidies many times, and will continue to pay attention to the living conditions of the elderly and their families.


Owner: The old man has come to the store to collect waste many times, hoping that more people will help

On the morning of July 14, the reporter from the Beijing News contacted Yang Bo, a restaurant owner who released related videos. He told reporters that after the store opened in April this year, the old man came to the store many times to ask if there were waste products, "We will give her the carton in the store and some unused things." In the process, he slowly slowly slowly. Familiar with the old man.

According to Yang Bo, on the evening of July 2, the elderly did not enter the store as usual as usual whether there were waste products. Instead, they stood at the door of the store and looked at it. "Standing for about 10 minutes. I think she is not the same as before. When she went out and asked her, she asked me if I had left soup left. If I asked, she wanted to take it back to drink his son. "

Yang Bo did not think much at the time, and returned to the store to make three soup for the old man, and told the other party to help him come to the store to find him. During the subsequent conversation, the old man told him that his hometown was in Weifang, Shandong. He was 74 years old this year. 11 years ago, his son had fallen into high paraplegia due to accidents, and his wife was not convenient.

After the old man expressed his gratitude many times, he left the lamb soup given by the owner. Interviewee confidence

On the afternoon of July 14, the owner of a restaurant in Licang District, Qingdao also told reporters that he had also seen the old grandma and encountered similar inquiries a few years ago. "At that time, she didn't pick up the waste, so she said she wanted to eat a bite, and someone left for her. I made a bowl of noodles for her. She was afraid of affecting my business, so she squatted at the door alone. After eating. "

"Such a big age should have been elderly at home. Now that a family is alone, it is really not easy." Yang Bo said that he posted the video on the Internet. Help her.

Yang Bo told reporters that after the video was released, a lot of netizens contacted him to order meals to the elderly in the store; and local enthusiastic citizens sent rice, peanut oil and flour, and hoped to transfer it to the elderly. "Many netizens also want to transfer it to me, but I did not accept it. I hope there is a reasonable channel to transfer these good funds directly to the elderly."


Sub -district Office: The elderly son has a subsistence allowance and related subsidies, and will continue to pay attention to

"His son is paraplegia, his wife is inconvenient, and he can pick up waste products by himself." The predicament described by the elderly in the video also received the attention of relevant local government departments.

On the afternoon of July 14, Licun Street Office of Licang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province released a statement stating that "I understand that the old man in the video is the mother of Li Moumou, a subsistence allowance of the subsistence allowance of the Qingfeng Road community in our street. First -level disability, began to enjoy the subsistence allowance since November 2012. "

Related situation explanation. Weibo screenshot

The street office stated that he has been paying attention to the living situation of Li Moumou. "At present, Li Moumou receives the minimum living security, daily subsidies, and other special subsidies for the disabled. , Our streets and communities will continue to pay attention to the living conditions of the family, actively connect with social love organizations, enterprises, etc., and help them. "

On July 14, a staff member of the Licun Street Office of Licang District, Qingdao City told reporters that after receiving the news, the relevant departments had visited the elderly's residence today. Earlier, the community also helped the family to apply for subsidies many times, and will continue to pay attention to the living conditions of the elderly and their families.

Editor on duty Kang Hee

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