The city is fully guarding!Mayor of the Secretary made instructions separately

Author:Guilin Daily All Media Time:2022.07.14

Since July, there have been many primary and secondary school students drowning in Guilin. While we regret the pain of these tragedies, we also noticed that there are still weak links in preventing drowning in primary and secondary school students. Propaganda education is not in place. Parenting's guardianship is still missing, and safety inspections in dangerous waters need to be strengthened.

The main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attached great importance to this. Zhou Jiabin, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, made instructions on the three children's drowning and loss of water loss near the Yandan Longmen Bridge on July 12, requesting: go all out to search and rescue. In response to the situation where the summer drowning incident is prone to occur, relevant departments at all levels in the city must compact the responsibilities of the land and department, strengthen the source prevention, strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers, strengthen publicity and education, improve the awareness of safety, and prevent such incidents.

Mayor Li Chu made instructions: The main responsible comrades at all levels in the city must organize a comprehensive investigation of various types of safety hazards with the sense of responsibility of "rest assured", especially to investigate and rectify the drowning accidents in the jurisdiction. Work responsibility, improve work measures, strengthen publicity and education, and make every effort to prevent drowning of primary and secondary school students. Deputy Mayor Long Xinghua also made relevant instructions.

At present, relevant departments and units of Guilin are taking measures to implement it. Faced with the hidden dangers of drowning, strengthening the summer monitoring of primary and secondary school students, education and guiding children not to launch water without permission. It is still the most effective and easiest prevention measure to go swimming in the safe waters.

A television conference call for anti -drowning work

On the morning of July 13th, Guilin City's anti -primary and secondary school student drowning work video conference was held at the Municipal Entrepreneurship Building Conference Center. The members of the joint conference of the municipal defense work of primary and secondary school students' drowning work, as well as the social rescue teams such as the Blue Sky Rescue Team, the Xianghe Water Rescue Center, attended the meeting at the city's main venue, and the leaders of the county (city, district) government and relevant departments attended the conference at the branch venues in their jurisdictions.

The meeting notified Guilin's current prevention of primary and secondary school students' drowning work. Since the summer, drowning accidents have occurred in many places in Guilin, especially in the summer vacation, and the situation of anti -drowning is even worse. The reporter learned from the conference that since April, all primary and secondary schools in our city have insisted on carrying out safety education activities 5 minutes before school and 30 minutes before vacation, asking students to be familiar with recitation and strictly abide by the "six for a while." At the same time, the special warning educational film "cherishes life, strictly prevent drowning" and the "Primary and Middle School Student Drowning Knowledge Classroom" anime promotional video, and organizes students to watch and write experiences. Edited "Compilation of Drowning Knowledge", organize students to learn and conduct opening tests. Each school has included anti -drowning safety education into the curriculum plan, and carried out anti -drowning safety education through the "Guangxi School Safety Education Platform".

Since April, Guilin has carried out twice of drowning inspections, focusing on the implementation of responsibilities, school propaganda and education, home -school contact situation, investigation and rectification of dangerous waters, and implementation of water inspections. In order to strengthen drowning work in primary and secondary school students, the members of the joint meeting of primary and secondary school students' drowning work joint meeting with 17 counties (cities, districts) conduct pairing governance.

Before the summer vacation, the Municipal Education Bureau also issued the "Notice on Further Doing a Summer Drowning Work" to strengthen all teachers and students' awareness of drowning safety, urge parents to fulfill their duties, to know their children out, and to know their companions to go out. , Knowing content, when you know.

The meeting requested that the current existing problems should be further strengthened. During the summer vacation, in accordance with the principles of "listening to scolding beforehand, not listening to crying afterwards", schools should establish a "daily daily safety" system, use the class parent group, parents report on the safety of students every day. The head teacher is responsible for the safety of the school every day. People report, so I remind parents and students every day to ensure that every student can return to school safely at the end of the summer vacation. Each school should combine the "Control of Dropping and Baofeng" activities in the summer vacation to carry out "preventing the visit of primary and secondary school students' drowning" activities, and strengthen the contact of home schools in various forms.

It is necessary to further strengthen students to remind each other. In response to the characteristics of students with swimming drama, schools should set up students to prevent drowning and defense groups, group groups according to the student's family address, and through the establishment of a group convention to strengthen the supervision of key concerns. Stop students to play in illegal regulations and swim in dangerous waters.

It is necessary to further strengthen the investigation of the incident and strengthen accountability. According to the principle of territorial management, the drowning incident of each student should be investigated to find out the root cause of the incident. To check the implementation of responsibilities and strictly investigate the business. At the same time, we will strengthen the rectification of the problem, and resolutely avoid the drowning incident of students in the same place in the same place.

The police of the Xiufeng Public Security Branch carried out anti -drowning propaganda to the citizens in the Lijiang River


Please stay away from these drowning accidents high incidence areas

Before the summer of this year, the Lijiang Branch of the Municipal Public Security Bureau entered 6 primary and secondary schools, a community, and carried out anti -drowning publicity and education for more than 8,000 students. At the same time, in response to key time and waters, they all sent police forces to cruise regularly and found that minors without guardianships were persuaded and educated in a timely manner; and rescue was carried out in a dangerous situation.

He told reporters that according to their mastery of the water situation in the area in the past two years, these drowning accidents were generally summarized.


Fubo Mountain Section to Xiaoyao Tower area

Because this area is close to Xiaoyao Tower and Fubo Mountain, and the embankment is relatively flat, there are often tourists rushing into the water. In the area near the wooden cave, the water flow is turbulent, the underwater rock -soluble terrain is complicated, the depth is different, the water temperature changes are very easy to cramp, and the deepest part can reach more than ten meters. 03

Near the six horses of the Jiefang Bridge

This is the area where there are many swimmers in the Jiefang Bridge, and even some people are playing diving in the Jiefang Bridge. However, the main waterway here is turbulent and the ships are frequent, and the danger of collision is likely to occur here. In addition, the large waves and vortex generated by the ships can easily cause swimmers to suffocate, and it is easy to cause death. Furthermore, the aquatic grass is also very rich, and it is easy to wrap the swimmers and cause drowning.


Yushan Bridge to Sizhou Bay area

In recent years, the river bank has been newly built in this area, and the number of swimmers has gradually increased. However, there were many docks here, with complicated water conditions, with deep pits and reefs. If you are not familiar with water flow. It is very likely that the water is likely to touch the reef or be entangled with waterweed. Even if the water is good, I am afraid it is difficult to deal with it.


Near Jingbing Mountain Bridge

The water test dam is newly constructed in the water area of ​​Jingbing Mountain Bridge. Due to the gap between the water flow to form a rolling dam, the swimmers will be sucked into the vortex. Coupled with the rush of water in this area, the terrain of the riverbed is different, and there are pits of different sizes, which are very dangerous.


Near Longmen Bridge

The height of the riverbeds in the Longmen Bridge is different. The river channels have sand and the sizes left by different sizes left by the river. This year, drowning accidents have occurred in this waters.


Taohua River Lord

The rivers in the water are curved, the river surface is wide and narrow, the dams of the weir are large, the runoffs are large, and the water conditions are complicated. There are many swimmers in the waters, and many citizens do not understand this section of waters, and it is very easy to risk in the water. Many drowning incidents have occurred over the years.

Huang Shangwen, the captain of the Special Service Brigade of the Municipal Fire Rescue Detachment, combined with his experience in participating in drowning rescue. When drowning accidents, rash rescue is also the reason for the high mortality rate.

He suggested that when the drowning person is found, if you do not swim, do not rashly rescue, you should call the police and call for help as soon as possible. Then try to find the right rescue tools, such as life -saving circle, wooden boards, etc. If there is no floating object, you can also throw it to the drowning person in the schoolbag full of water. You can also find a bamboo pole, a branch, etc. to the water drop -off, or you can use the clothes into a rope, and throw it to the water fall. When saving people, lying on the ground to reduce the center of gravity to avoid being pulled into the water.

In the case of swimming, you can get into the water from the back or side to the water falling from the back or the side, and hold the other person's body to let the head expose the water to the side to go ashore.

"Minors have no professional skills that have no experience in danger nor rescue. Once the rescue difficulty exceeds its own ability, it is equivalent to" giving death in vain. "Huang Shangwen emphasized that minors have not enough ability to launch the water to save the drowning person Do not go to the water to save people, so as not to occur in the tragedy of death. It is not recommended to pull the hand to rescue the hand. The water dropper is extremely powerful. The rescuer will be pulled into the water without paying attention, causing a tragedy of a serial drowning. In this kind of situation, what children can do is alarm or ask for help to make more professional people solve the crisis more efficiently.

Improve security awareness

On July 13th, the Dongjiang Street Polytechnic Community in Qixing District and the Guilin Blue Sky Rescue Team launched a summer safety education activity of "Preventing Drowning Safety for One Summer". The rescue staff of the Blue Sky Rescue Team explained the knowledge of drowning, emergency rescue and other knowledge to the children and parents in the jurisdiction, and effectively improved everyone's safety awareness and self -rescue ability through actual rescue drills to ensure that the majority of minors spend a safe summer season. Essence

On the 13th, the teachers from the Primary School affiliated to Guilin University of Technology took the publicity information of drowning safety to the home visit to a student on Jianqian Road, attended a family meeting of summer safety education, and emphasized the importance of summer safety to students and parents. Ensure that students spend a peaceful and fulfilling summer vacation under the joint attention of the whole society.

On the 13th, volunteers of the Lijiang Community and the Guilin Winter Swimming Association persuaded citizens who swim in the Lijiang River under the Jiefang Bridge to take care of their children.

On the 13th, the Taohuajiang Community of Lijun Street, Xiufeng District invited the police from Lijun Police Station to the community to give lectures on drowning safety themes for minors and parents during the summer vacation. The police explained to the children and parents of the community in the form of graphic, video, etc. to explain the knowledge of drowning and how to save themselves when they encounter danger, and effectively improve everyone's awareness of safety prevention.

On the 13th, volunteers from the Peace and Heping Village Committee of Qixing District conducted inspections on the banks of the Lijiang River, setting up obvious anti -drowning publicity banners, and reminding everyone to pay attention to safety.

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