The biggest "Super Moon" of the Year is here!

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.07.14

The biggest "Super Moon" of the Year is here!


It is the best viewing time from the evening of the 13th to the early morning of the 14th

The most round time will appear at 2:38 on the 14th

What is "Super Moon"?

The orbit where the moon revolves around the earth is an oval shape

Therefore, the moon will sometimes be close, sometimes far from the earth

The nearest place to the earth is called a near place, otherwise it is a distance

The moon is about 360,000 kilometers away from the earth's closest time to the earth

The farthened will exceed 400,000 kilometers

A object is far from small and small

That is to say when the moon is near the earth

Theoretically it looks bigger

When the full moon occurs

If the moon just runs near the nearby place

At this time, the moon looks big and round

Known as "Super Moon" or "Super Full Moon"

It is expected to be "Super Moon" next time

It will appear on August 31 next year

Where can I see "Super Moon"?

On the night of the 13th to the early morning of the 14th

Yunnan, Hunan, Hubei, southern Anhui

Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Shanxi, and Hebei Central

And Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, western Tibet and south

The weather in some areas of the place is fine

It is expected to look up at the scene of the high moon and the moon

Sichuan, Qinghai, southern Gansu

South Shandong, Shandong, Jilin and other places

Due to rainfall or thick clouds

Or miss the moon

Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan, Xinjiang

There are many sky clouds in northwestern Gansu and other places

You may enjoy the scene of Caiyun chasing the moon at that time

Good luck may also see the round moon style

National Moonlight Map (Picture Source: China Weather Network)

Source: CCTV News Client

Responsible editor: Wang Zimo

Edit: Wu Yaqi Chang Ying Wang Yuan

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