farewell!The academician who wants to "illuminates the whole China" leaves

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.14

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Physicist, luminous scholar Xu Xuyu

Due to illness on July 12, 2022

Dist in Beijing

100 years old

Academician Xu Xuyu

Born in April 1922

Linyi, Shandong

He graduated from the Department of Physics, Southwest United University in 1945

In 1955, at the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Physics, Institute of Physics, the Academy of Sciences

Get a deputy doctorate degree

He was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (academician) in 1980

Xu Xuyu is mainly engaged in the dynamics of composite glowing

Experimental argument, energy transmission, energy transmission, energy transmission,

Instant spectrum and optical glowing,

Catholic ray light, field light, etc.

In February 1983, Xu Xuzheng (right) inspected the PS laser system with Dai Rensong in the Changchun Physics Institute.

"Lighting the whole China" is his life's vision

He advocates establishing

my country's first optical research room

Established as the main founder

"Chinese Academy of Sciences Inspirational Physics Open Laboratory"

And "information storage, display and material of the Ministry of Railways

Minister -level Open Laboratory "

Formed our country's Luminous Society

Created the first luminous major in my country

Most of the talents cultivated

Over the field of luminous Chinese

The backbone and academic leader

Academician Xu Xuyu

Looking at the overall situation of the long -term development of the motherland's science and technology

Vigorously support young and middle -aged scholars, be willing to be a ladder

He often says

"My responsibility is to take the younger generation

Bring to the starting line of international competition

Let more young people surpass themselves "

He educated young people to grow in practice

Don't stay with the experts too much

Sri Lanka is dead


The shining name

It is worth remembering forever

Don't hurt!

Academician Xu Xuyu


(Source: Xinhuanet Comprehensive Guangming Daily, Science Network)

【Edit: Yao Hao】

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