[Recommended reading] A person's true maturity, starting from changing himself

Author:Ministry of Finance Time:2022.07.14

The world is changing, and the surrounding environment is changing. Only by learning to change can we grow and mature. Tonight's night reading, share with you the 4 "keys" who change your own, from now on, control your life.

Change thinking

After hearing a word: "The wall, the door is pushed down; the heart, the opening is the road." Many times, we are in trouble, not that you are not working hard, but that the way of thinking needs to be changed.

There are always ups and downs in life. When some people encounter frustration and abandon themselves, the real strong people can change their thinking and break out. Good at changing your own thinking is sometimes more important than hard work. Thinking is right, and often can do more with less, and life changes.

Change your mind, get rid of the dilemma, and enlarge the pattern, and the opportunity is everywhere.

Change mentality

Many times, what really determines the situation of life is not the wind and rain, but your mentality. Those who have a bad mentality always be arrogant and eager to stare at the pain in front of them, and let the sense of frustration devour themselves. People with good mentality are often good at reconciliation with themselves, dedication to life, and make life full and happy.

The realm is not good or bad, and the ideal is made. In the first life, when there is always something unsatisfactory, and if you do things, you will learn to face trouble with an optimistic attitude and not be blindly complicated with yourself.

Change the mentality, let the realm turn around, and let go of it.

Change position

In the marriage, the husband hoped that his wife was gentle and virtuous, and his wife hoped that the husband would be responsible. In the workplace, the employee hoped that the boss would not talk about his ideals, and the boss hoped that the employee would take positive entry; on the taxi, the passenger complained that the driver was too slow, and the driver said that the road was too blocked ... … No one is wrong, just do not understand the change.

Standing at your own position, you often see only one -sided; from your own perspective, you often cannot really solve the problem. Knowing how to change the position in a timely manner, it becomes a bouquet to illuminate the light of others, and it can be illuminated by others.

Change the position, learn to think in other places, compare your heart, and life suddenly.

change direction

There was a very hot words on the Internet: "The road you choose, you have to finish kneeling." It encouraged people not to hit the south wall without turning back, and chose a way to go black. In fact, only a few people can succeed in the result of this. Most people may enter the dead alleys and make a dilemma.

"Breaking the wisely, better than the blind attachment." Life is never a single choice, and blindness may not be the best choice. Many times, the direction of changes in time can jump out of the limitations in front of you and open a new situation in life.

Change the direction, let go of the stop loss in time, choose the way, and there is Liu Dark Flower.

Source: National Student Live (ID: gxsh789)

(Source: People's Daily)

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