Hubei launched the first phase of the "New Farmers Plan" 12 million yuan to help college students to start a business

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.07.14

Hubei Daily News (Reporter Zeng Yaqing and correspondent Wang Zhengming) On July 12, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department, the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, and the Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau held the Hubei "New Farmers" college student rural entrepreneurial assistance plan (referred to as abbreviated as The launching ceremony of the "New Farmers Plan") will implement the "New Farmers Plan" in the province from now on to help returning to the countryside and entrepreneurial youth to solve the problem of expensive financing difficulties, and drive more young people to return to the countryside to start business and employment , Growing into talent.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Communist Youth League, the "New Farmers Plan" adopts the "rolling implementation, closed -loop management" model. For the conditional start -up small and micro projects, each project provides interest -free borrowing of 20,000 to 50,000 yuan, and the loan cycle is 1 to 2 years. The first phase of the province will provide a loan funds of not less than 12 million yuan.

The implementation process of the project will strictly follow the work requirements of "help the truth and strengthen the truth", and precisely understand the requirements, accurately identify projects, accurate investment funds, accurate and long -term services, accurate effect evaluation, accurate responsibility traceability to achieve normal and long -term effects ,sustainable development. In response to projects with large scale, good growth, and in line with the development direction of the province, the Communist Party Committee will also be included in the provincial high -quality youth entrepreneurial project library, which provides comprehensive services such as incubation services, mentor pairs, financial support, market docking and other comprehensive services. , Condense, cultivate a batch of sinking, retained, and used rural young talents.

It is understood that the applicant of the "New Farmers Plan" must be college students within five years of graduation. The application project must be registered with industrial and commercial, and the registered place must be engaged in the agricultural industry in the county (in principle does not include the city jurisdiction). (Township, town, village) can engage in agricultural or non -agricultural industries. Eligible college students are welcome to actively apply and actively participate in the practice of rural revitalization.

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